My Compassion Kids

Monday, April 18, 2016

Project Letter: BO-502

Here's a letter from Juan's project in Bolivia! The photos came from Compassion's website.

I would like to greet you in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and also wish you success in what you daily do. My name is Eusebio T., and I am the project director at the child development center attended by your sponsored child, Juan. We are located in Cochabamba, Bolivia. It is a pleasure to write you and express my deep gratitude for everything that you do for the welfare of Juan. In the short time I've worked in this center, I have seen how rewarding it is to see the children's smiles and joy as they know someone is giving them unconditional support so they have a better future and achieve optimal development, and above all, so they come to know and receive our Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The center received Complementary Intervention funds which allowed us to build some rooms for the children to be more comfortable and at peace. Before this, we were working in rooms we rented from some church sisters. Because of the work we do together, we've been able to build our own premises, which are a real benefit; without the funds, we could not have built those rooms. So the church is deeply grateful and the children feel happy as they come with more confidence to the center. This year we also built bathrooms the children can use. There is no doubt that this is another reason to rejoice.

Last year and this year, some sponsors were able to visit. It was a great joy to welcome them, and the joy was even greater for the children, to the point that they could not hold their tears. The children still talk about how they were able to meet and hug their sponsors. It also moves me when I see children get a gift their sponsors have sent. This brings them much joy as they know that they have the support of someone and that at the least-expected moment they could receive something special. The same thing happens when they receive letters, through which they can communicate and share what they feel.

This really makes an impact on the lives of the children. One, a seven-year-old girl received a birthday gift from her sponsor, with which she brought several things so that she could do her homework and also some food supplies. Her mother says that her daughter feels very happy and is always praying for God to bless her sponsor so that he lacks nothing. The church had a reach-out activity in August, and the girls' parents accepted Jesus Christ at that opportunity. She feels God has helped her family a lot.

Another testimony is related to a 12 year old boy at the center. His mother says that through the sponsorship program, she is able to buy clothes for the children she couldn't afford otherwise; the income she gains from selling ice cream is enough only for food. Because of this, the mother feels deep gratitude for people who are so generous to help families far away.

The center helps children a lot with the nourishment and spiritual teaching. They say that they learn Bible verses and this makes them think things different. It is a joy to accompany the children in this phase of their lives and to work with them and contribute towards their comprehensive development.

Finally I would like to thank you again for all your effort to help Juan. The Bible says that what we spread we will reap. I am certain that our Lord Jesus Christ will reward you for what you are doing. We will be praying for you all, as I am sure that you also pray for each of the children here.

If you are interested in sponsoring a boy in Bolivia, please consider little Anderson!!! I just love his chubby little face!! He lives with his mom and dad, and he is the only child at home. Read more about Anderson here. 

1 comment:

  1. It's so great that they were able to get some more rooms with the CIV!!


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