My Compassion Kids

Monday, April 11, 2016

Project Letter: ID-216

Here's a letter from our Prayer's project in Indonesia! All of the photos come from Compassion's website. 

Dear Jessi, 

Greetings to you in the love of God! I am Lydia P. I am project director at (ID-216.) We are located in Langowan District, in the Province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, where your sponsor child attends. Thank you for sponsoring Prayer. 

Child development in each age group has been very good. In the spiritual area, group of children 3-5 years ld, have learned to mention the characters from the Bible and memorize Bible verses. Then most of the children also have learned and can tell the stories of Bible characters and can tell simply about the positive experience of the love of God. Most children also can pray alone and can tell about the Bible story using their own words. They have been involved in the routine of worship with their parents. It becomes the result of spiritual development, not only for children, but also parents.

In the area of physical development children have to do the movements of the body and can figure out the functions of their own bodies. Some children have started to take care of themselves, such as bathing. They understand how to live a healthy life, for example brushing teeth and washing hands.

In the area of cognitive development, most children are able to spell the letters A to Z and have also been able to construct a sentence. Children also have started to count numbers and they can choose the activities that they like. 

In the area of socio-emotional every child has begun to make a daily activity schedule. Most of them can also do their daily schedule well. Children are also able to keep and maintain their own goods.

Children aged 12 and above all have been able to witness to others and they can tell how the miracles of Jesus in their lives. They are able to lead activities including worship whether done in the center or outside the center as well. Teens are able to demonstrate an appropriate understanding of their physical and can show interest to develop their talents in a professional manner. In the socio-emotional area, they have been able to show sympathy and empathy for others well. Many teens are also interested in a painting course, learn music and English. This makes them forbear staying to do activities in this center.

Other programs at the center are the distribution of gifts, obviously they are very happy because children feel that someone has attention and care. Those gifts are very useful and help them to have tools for schools and health checks. All the help of the center is helpful to them and are a very big impact for children in need. For some children the gift they have received already can help to increase the family income.

Children feel very happy when they receive letters from their sponsors. It is gratifying to see them so excited; smiling and telling their friends about their sponsors. The news about sponsors is so important for the children so we encourage them to continue to write to the children. They feel very happy to know they have a sponsor somewhere in the world that cares for them.

The thing that inspires me to continue to do the task in this center is that I want to see children become useful for everybody and can have a personality that imitates Christ. Please pray for our children, their families and the community that we grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding so that we can release children from poverty in Jesus' name.

If you are interested in sponsoring a boy from Indonesia, please consider Dimas! He has been waiting over a year for a sponsor, and that is just heartbreaking. He's 8 years old and his birthday is November 12. Read more about Dimas here.

1 comment:

  1. That's so neat that the center offers painting, music and English!!


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