My Compassion Kids

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Project Letter: TZ-552

Here's a letter from our dear Said's project in Tanzania!

I am Joshua F., project director of (TZ-552) of the Moravian church in the Morogoro region of Tanzania. We minister to your sponsored child Said. I thank you for your sponsorship and support for Said. I take this opportunity to thank you abundantly.

The support of the sponsorship program has done much to improve the standard of living for children, parents, and the whole community. The center has a positive impact on the children in different matters. Children in this program have improved spiritually, socially, physically, and educationally. I love to see the children's lives improved through formal and informal education. They practice different skills acquired from the center, including batik making and designs, making furniture like stools, making jewelry with beads, and others. They are able to stay in school and do well with educational support.

We thank God that children are growing well spiritually by attending camps, worship, and prayer. The children have learned to pray and encourage others to pray. All these mentioned and others not mentioned are the outcomes of sponsors' love and support. The center has a positive impact on the children in different matters. I love to see the children's lives improved through formal and informal education.

Children and youth practice sports, games, and activities. They play football and netball, run, and learn singing and comedy. They play in and out of the center. Last year they went to Mikumi National Park; they got a chance to see different animals and learned various things in the park.

One of our boys is a youth with talent and an open mind. He is attending batik class, and he is a major producer of batik at our center. He now is able to earn money from the community. Through the skills and knowledge he acquired at the center, he can now generate income to help his parents.

The center supports the children in health matters through a support fund from sponsors. One little boy was born in 2010, and he had a problem of eye pressure since his birth. The center paid the bill for his surgery and all costs for the clinic in each month. We thank God that the child has well improved and continues with clinics. Another child who had an ear problem is also well recovered now.

Children are happier when they receive letters from their sponsors and get a chance to be connected with someone through letters. When replying to the letters, children tend to share their life circumstances by expressing what they are passing through, like health conditions, education matters, and social life.

Please help us pray that the children will pass their subjects in school, have good health, and develop spiritually so they believe every day that Jesus is their savior and they can be born again. We thank you much for your support for Said. May God bless you and supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Said's project, please consider lovely Dorotea! She is 18 years old, exactly one year and one day older than Said! Her best subject is geography, she likes listening to music, reading, and storytelling! Read more about her here.

1 comment:

  1. That's so neat that the project took the kids to a national park!!!


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