My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Project Letter: BF-502

Here's a letter from Barry's project in Burkina Faso!

Receive our fraternal and cordial greetings in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior from Bobo-Dioulasso. I am Mrs. Findalo R., project director of the center at (BF-502) where your sponsored child attends. I want to express our deep appreciation and gratitude for your spiritual, financial, material and moral accompaniment through the sponsorship of Barry. Through me the whole team of the center and the whole church express our gratitude by saying thank you very much from our hearts for your very important help.

Like other communities, ours is experiencing many difficulties such as malnutrition, diseases related to poverty such as malaria, typhoid fever, bronchitis, and a few cases of HIV/AIDS. Living conditions are not enviable; tiny houses, lack of clean water, poor sanitation, etc. Today, thanks to sponsors' donations more children go to school, they are cared for; receive a balanced diet and experiencing a positive change in behavior. We can cite the example of a child who had two fractures in the arm after an accident. His parents testified that they could not afford the expenses of his cares because of lack of means. With the help of the center for the cares, the child is now healed.

Also, we can take the example of another child, who after being admitted to secondary school still could not afford to go. The support of the center enabled her to go to school and now she is in fourth grade. She said that she has received teachings in the center, which helped her to understand the Christian life and to get committed. She gave her life to Jesus, is baptized and is in the choir of teenagers at church.

Thanks to the center program the children learn to knit, to style, to plant trees, etc. And today they get to style their hairs themselves. This is the case of a child who comes to style his mates in the center without any assistance and is glad to have learned this activity that would benefit him in the future. It should be noted that through the center, the whole community has a new consideration of our church. It is more open and receptive to our message than before.

The children really welcome letters from their sponsors and are glad to know that they are loved and that sponsors care about their future. At any time we receive letters in the center, everyone is expecting to receive one that they may hear from their sponsors. They also welcome birthday gifts they had never had before and also Christmas holidays they celebrate together in the center.

Also we are in satisfaction in this program because it not only helps the registered children but the whole family; the evidence is that many families in need receive support leading them to better flourish. For this purpose we can list the case of 23 families who have benefitted from Complementary Intervention funds for improving their living conditions.

Seeing these children develop, rediscover the joy of living, big smile on their faces, encourages us daily to move forward in this work. Moreover the participation of the children to different Bible camps positively impacts their behavior, because it not only enhances their knowledge of Christ, but brings a visible change in their way of life. But the gap remains high, and in this regard, Compassion serves us a very solid bridge to get there.

So, we ask you to pray for us tirelessly so that this vision we have to make these children disciples and witnesses of Jesus in their environment be achieved for the glory of our Lord. Let me conclude by reiterating to you our cordial thanks and pray that the grace of the Almighty God may abound in your lives.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Barry's center, please consider beautiful Sanata!! I adore her pretty pink outfit! Sanata lives with her mom and dad, and in her neighborhood, there are high instances of HIV/AIDS and child abuse and exploitation. Read more about Sanata here.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Project Letter: KE-313

Here's a letter from the director of the project our Victor attends in Kenya!

My name is Erick A., and I am the project director at (KE-313) attended by your sponsor child. We are located in Kisumu County in Western Kenya. Thank you for sponsoring Victor.

I want to thank all the sponsors of our children for the love and support that you provide to your sponsored child. Your partnership with us to release children from their extreme poverty is the impetus towards hope and change in their lives. Thank you to all for your letters, photos, and gifts that bring such joy and smiles to them. This is a partnership to restore hope where hope was lost and to provide healing where wounds were incurable as well as providing solace to the homeless. I know with certainty that you have a special place in the heart of your sponsored child.

The center takes the children through a holistic child development program which seeks to bring up the children spiritually, cognitively, physically, and socio-emotionally. Thanks be to God that through the curriculum, our children are achieving positive results that make them feel encouraged and hopeful. They are encouraged to think that they can come out of their problems, that they can become successful people, and that they can be what they have dreamed for themselves.

Memory verse recitation during our discipleship program has greatly benefited one of our youngest children by improving his reading and writing skills. Since reciting Bible verses involves reading the Bible as well as writing down the text, this child's spiritual growth has been good because he loves finding more verses to recite.

Alongside impactful activities for the younger children are interactive programs for our teens. Having given her life to Christ, one of our older girls has not only preached the gospel to other children at the center, but has also been involved in various outreaches that have led to over 70 people giving their lives to Christ. This girl has further changed the lives of many students at her secondary school. Being a Christian union representative on the school council, she is demonstrating servant leadership with her mentoring and counseling skills. Through the income-generating skills workshops we offer at the center, she has become proficient in tailoring and dressmaking. Her dresses are sold at our center's store, and now she desires to take her skills to the next level where she can earn an income from dressmaking to put food on her family's table.

Please pray for our children's ministry at the church, that it will continue growing from strength to strength and be able to meet our target of evangelizing our community. With your prayers, we trust the Lord with winning more souls to Him. Pray that our children will become fulfilled Christian adults. Pray, also, for our leadership at the center. Thank you, again, for sponsoring Victor. It is my prayer that the Almighty God continues to touch you in a special way so that His glory and love can be seen in you.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child at Victor's center, please consider beautiful  Elavian. She is 7 years old, and her birthday is August 15. Elavian is an orphan and is in the care of her uncle. I am sure that if someone I know were to sponsor Elavian, Victor would be happy to seek her out and "adopt" her as a little sister!! :) <3 a="" about="" her="" href="" more="" read="">here. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Sweet Greetings from India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic

Happy Mail Call Monday!! :)

Can you believe March is already over?? Good grief. We just put 25% of 2016 behind us, and it feels like it just got here. Here are the letters we received this week!

Our first letter was from Amisha in India!

It was surprising to get a letter from Amisha, since we just heard from her a few weeks ago! She sent a form letter about her favorites. She likes basketball, the color pink, and her favorite animal is a horse. She also said her favorite place is the USA, and her favorite holiday is her birthday. :) On the back of the letter, she drew what might be a television (it's a black box on a little stand) and said she had never heard of alpacas before, but her teacher told her that it was the "sheep of Peru" and nice things are made from its wool. :) She said "it's looking very beautiful!" Amisha is also the first one of our kids to say she has been baptized by immersion, which is really neat. She shared that she likes singing, dance, and acting, and says to please "convey her love regards" to our uncles, pappaw, mammaw, and everyone else. She also said she really liked the picture of the red panda, and that she and her family are praying for us every day!

We got a bonus letter from Benji in Haiti this week, too!

Benji's letter was automatically generated because he got a new sponsor- my friend April and her husband Doug picked up his sponsorship a month or so ago when Benji's financial sponsor ended his sponsorship! He only has a little over a year to go in the program, and I'm glad that we are going to be able to stick with him until the end. It was nice to get a form intro letter from Benji, since we didn't get one when we first received him as a correspondent. We learned that he lives in the mountains, his dad's name is Penord and his mom is named Rosita. His best friend from school i named Frantely, and he has an 18 year old sister named Christelat. He likes eating rice and his favorite color is red, and his favorite song is "I lift my Hands!" And his favorite activity is studying, according to his letter. :)

We were also excited to get a letter from Kaue in Brazil!

It had been over six months since we got our first and only letter from Kaue. He's still a little guy, so his letters don't say much, but they're still cute- especially since it looks like he filled it out himself!! He sent a form letter about his friends. His closest friends are named Oseias, Dayane, and Jamille. He knows them from school and his neighborhood. He likes to learn things with hi friends, and they like to play outside! He also said "with my friends, I've learned to respect people." He also said he loved our letters and sent us hugs!

Next was a letter from Laura in the Dominican Republic!

We hadn't heard from Laura since last October- she is coming to the end of her time with the project, and I'm sure she is very busy! She said that she loves having Christmas eve dinner with her family, and asked about our celebrations. She also shared that she's going to go to college to study pharmacy, and her mom works in a lab! That is so cool! She's actually the second one of our kids who has a mom working in a lab!

Also coming from a kiddo we haven't heard from in a little while, we got a letter from Marc in Haiti!

Marc says that he appreciates the letters and photos we've been sending, and he said "I am so glad to hear about how everything is going with you." He asked that we pray that God will allow him to move forward in life and do well in his studies! He also responded to my letter about alpacas ands aid he had never heard of them before, but "you are the one who allows me to see it! He also said "I always think of you as you also think of me. I always look at your photos. Thanks for your prayers and the Christmas gift. He asked how my family was doing, and checked in on "Brando"- I can see from his handwriting that it's not just a translation error. Brandon gets all the cool nicknames- Said used to call him Blandin!!

Next was a letter from Patricia in Brazil!

Patricia's letters are short but sweet. In this one she shared that she really enjoyed Christmas, and told us that her parents are not currently employed. We will definitely be praying for them in that area! We also got two extra pictures of Patricia, which I will add here once they've been scanned. She sent another copy of the photo we received last year of her posing with her letters, and then a similar letter from another angle. She just has the prettiest smile and the cheeriest face!

We also got another letter from Sithum in Sri Lanka!

Sithum shared that his country recently celebrated their Independence Day, and everyone hung the Sri Lankan flag in their homes. They also received cookies and nutritious cereal from the project as a celebratory gift! Sithum also asked why I am working two jobs, and advised me that my back might hurt because I am overly tired from working. :) I thought it was cute that he was giving me advice on how to better take care of myself!

We also received a lovely letter from our Sukumar in India!

Sukumar is such a good letter writer!! He said he is studying well and since he last wrote, he received three letters from us. He said they were very interesting and useful! Sukumar shared that the farmers in his area are harvesting their crops, and he asked about our weather. He also said that during school holidays he would go with his parents to the village and meet with their friends. He was also going to sing and dance on Christmas Day! And he signed his letter 'Yours lovingly.' :)

Lastly, we got a surprise letter from Vandana!!

Since we just heard from her a few weeks ago, it was so neat to get another letter from her! She said that she received our "beautiful greetings," cards, and letters. She really enjoyed Christmas at the project and received a dress, a blanket, and a cake!! She also said that her studies are going well and her finals are at the end of March- right about now! And Vandana answered my question about whether she goes to church by sharing that she goes every day. And she likes to eat potato curry!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Project Letter: UG-305

Here's a letter from our Caleb's project in Uganda! 

Dear Jessi, 

I am Sarah W, the project director of (UG-305) attended by your sponsored child, located in the eastern region of Uganda. On behalf of (our project), I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation for the immeasurable contribution of this ministry of releasing children out of various forms of poverty. The support that is received from you has changed the life story of Caleb that you sponsor.

During the centre day, children in their different age groups are engaged in different activities. Children begin with cleaning the church and bathrooms. Thereafter children assemble for devotions. After prayers they take breakfast and move to their curriculum classes. There is evident spiritual development among the youth. A good number of them have shown interest in sharing the gospel of Christ with their peers, they are involved in church ministry, students from our centre take readings and sing in the church choir and are also involved in the youth ministry.

There is a student in senior four who received a special gift from her sponsor. With this gift she was able to top up her school fees for the whole year, and even join the boarding section. Because of this gift, she will be able to carry out her studies without any interruptions. She will also have access to all the school programs since she is now a resident at school. This gives her a better chance to perform much better in her exams. We are grateful for this support.

We received a Compassion grant and with these funds we installed a water tank of 10,000 liters which has greatly improved the hygiene and sanitation at the centre. The challenge of drinking unsafe water was solved for the children at the centre and the families in the neighboring community. We bless the Lord for this intervention.

One of the most exciting moments at the centre is when children receive letters from their sponsors. As their names are read at the assembly, the air literally fills with joy. Sponsor letters are so significant to the child's life as the child feels loved, cared for and so special, thought about and valued. It's true that sponsors communicate with a lot of love and letters are a source of encouragement. Some children who don't receive letters have this as a prayer request and those who are bold will ask why their sponsors do not write to them.

My greatest moment is seeing transformed lives, children who join the program so little, shy, reserved, unfriendly growing from one stage of development to another is amazing. The spiritual aspect has had the most impact because it's the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of all wisdom. 

We encourage that you continue to uphold the children's ministry at this centre, safety for children as they go to school and back home. We pray that the children in the program will be able to realize their potential and end the cycle of poverty.

We thank you so much for the love and caring you show to Caleb. We pray that the Lord will enlarge your territory, bless the work of your hands, look upon you with favor and bless you in every way.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Caleb's project, please consider little Claudius! He is so cute! Claudius is 6 years old and his birthday is November 6. He likes playing just about every game imaginable, and he enjoys reading stories! Read more about him here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Outgoing Mail: Springtime Updates

I have done a few Outgoing Mail posts in the past, sharing the special treats we were sending our kiddos for holidays and birthdays. Sometimes, it was really hard to keep up with that! I have been later than I'd like sending out boxes of gifts in the past, and having the added pressure of sharing about them here (and remembering to take photos, things like that) often slowed me down. And then I didn't share anyway! My friend Hannah had a good idea to resurrect and tweak these feature posts, to encourage letter-writing and also to help share our ideas about what to send the kids when some policy changes for what we can send are put into full effect.

So, this is the inaugural Outgoing Mail post!

This week, I wanted to send my kids a letter about spring. The first day of spring was Sunday, and it actually feels like it where I live! I'm loving the weather, even though I know it means death by allergies is on its way. I ended up finding that I didn't have quite as much to share about spring as I thought I would, but I also wanted to share an important prayer request with the kids as well. Here's the text of what I sent:

Dear (name),
Hello! I hope that you and your family are doing well. I want you to know that my family is doing fine. This weekend marked the official change of seasons in my country- it is now springtime. The weather is so pretty! I am glad that I no longer need to wear a coat and a scarf each day. Also, many of the flowers are blooming, and the trees have blossoms as well. It is very pretty here, and we are all glad to say goodbye to winter. 
I know that you enjoy seeing pictures of my family, so I am sending you two photos. They are of Brandon's aunt Anne and uncle Dennis, and their grandchildren Ivy and Margaret. I love having them as part of my family. Anne is very kind and a lot of fun to be around. You can see from the pictures that they really enjoy being grandparents! Dennis also looks so happy and healthy in this photo. It is hard to believe that just over a year ago, he was very sick and close to dying. Dennis had liver disease for a few years, and he lost a lot of weight and was very sick. He even had trouble with his mind, because his body was so ill. He was forgetful and confused much of the time. Because his liver was not working properly, his other body organs were working extra hard, and he started to have trouble with his kidneys and his heart, too! But God heard our prayers and Dennis was able to have a liver transplant surgery. It was a miracle. His recovery was hard, but he is doing so much better now. We are all thankful that God spared his life, and it is good to see him smiling and healthy again. 
I would like to share a prayer request with you. My grandfather's health is starting to get bad. I have told you before that he has trouble remembering things and becomes confused, and he falls down a lot. Last week he went to the doctor and learned that he has dementia. This means that he is losing his mind- he will lose his memories and become more and more confused until he passes away. This is sad news for us to hear, because we love my grandfather (we call him Pappaw) very much. It is sad when a relative dies. I don't like to think about my Pappaw dying, but I know that when he dies, he will go to heaven and be with Jesus, and there he will be made whole again- and I will see him again someday, too! Will you please pray for my family, especially my mom? She needs to help her parents make decisions about Pappaw's healthcare and what will happen as he continues to get sicker. It is hard for her to make these decisions, and they make her very sad. Please pray for my mom to be strong, and to take comfort in God's promises.
 I hope to get a letter from you soon. I am praying for you each and every day. Today I prayed for safety and security in your country. It seems that each day there is a sad story in the news, but I pray that God is keeping your family safe, and that your leaders will make wise decisions. 
With love, Jessi

That letter took up almost all of the space I was allowed for the online templates, but it honestly took about three minutes to write. I had an idea in my head and ran with it. Please don't ever think that writing letters is something that is terribly time consuming or hard to keep up with- once you actually sit down at the keyboard and start typing, it really is easy. I have had a goal in 2016 to share more photos with my kids (I know that I want to see more photos of them, and they do ask for photos often!) so I have stolen several pictures from facebook. :) If we are family or close friends, chances are my kids have at least one picture of you, and I took it from facebook! Ha! When I saw aunt Anne shared these photos last week, I was so happy to see her sweet smile, and see how great Dennis looks, I knew that I wanted to snag them and share them with our far-away family!! I know that our kids who were praying for Dennis will be especially happy to see these pictures! And for our newer kids, it will be fun to see some of our extended family. 

I'm not sure that I'll be sharing every letter I send (I try to write once a week) but I will be sharing a lot more of them. I hope that some people can find a bit of inspiration for their own letters from these posts. Sit down and write to your kids today!! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sweet Greetings from Tanzania, Togo, India, Ecuador, Colombia, Burkina Faso and Sri Lanka

It's not Monday- yesterday was a trainwreck. But it's still time for a mail call, and here are the letters we've received in the past week!

First up, we heard from Elifagason in Tanzania!

Elifagason's letter was very short and didn't say much, but it was still good that he checked in with us. He just said that he and his family are well, he asked that we pray for his studies, and said that he believes that God is with us and that he loves us! 

Next was a letter from Elisha in Tanzania!

It was neat that Elisha's letter arrived almost two years to the day since we spent time together in Tanzania. I had fun writing about that in my response letter, but at the same time it made me a little sad, because I miss my boys! Elisha is also doing fine, according to his letter, and he sent thanks for the gift we sent him (I am not sure if he was talking about Christmas presents or the items we sent for his birthday!) He also said "when I read your letter I smiled and became very happy." How sweet! Elisha said school is going well and that God is helping him with everything- "I start with him and finish with him." He said right now his favorite subjects are geography, math, science, and English, and he is doing well in some of those studies. :) Way to go, buddy! 

Next, we received our first letter from Jaki in Togo. 

Jaki was one of the kids I took over for my mom. It was nice to learn a little about her family from this letter. I learned that she lives in southern Togo, in a village, and she has two brothers and a sister. She likes rice and the color green, and her dream is still to be a midwife- this was the answer she gave when my mom first sponsored her over a year ago! Since little kids change their minds about their aspirations pretty frequently, it was neat to see that this has stayed the same. Jaki goes to the project on Saturdays, and she goes on foot. She asked about my favorite food and asked us to pray that God will protect her, and she rew a little house and a yam. :) 

We also heard from Jayid in India this week! 

Jayid's letter was written by a project worker again. He said he's been enjoying playing cricket and football at the center, and now they have a "children's park." I read in his project director's letter that this year, the center was able to build a playground for the kids, most of whom had never seen one before. It's so fun to read that Jayid is enjoying this new addition to his project! He also said that he has been learning how to use a computer! Jayid asked that we pray for his brother who has had a fever and a cold, and that his community's special food (for holidays and special occasions) is biryani. That's a little too hot for me, but it does make me want to stop and get some Indian food before work today. :) 

Next we had our first letter from lovely Jessika in Ecuador! 

Jessika was also one of the kids we took over for my mom. Hers was also an introductory form letter. We learned that she likes rice with chicken, the color pink, listening to music, and soccer. Her favorite subject in school is natural science, and she lives in the Andean highlands in Oyacoto! She also mentioned that her family has farm animals, which I don't think I knew. She asked that we pray for her life and her adolescence. So far, as we have received these first letters from my mom's kids, they have all been written before the kids knew who I was- that is, they hadn't yet received my introductory letter explaining that I was Mrs Karen's daughter Jessi, and that my mom wanted to make sure that they received lots and lots of letters, so I would be writing to them most of the time now. I can't wait to get their letters after they realize who I am! :) 

We also heard from little Julian in Colombia this week! 

Many of us who have kids at Julian's center (and Michel's) hadn't heard from our kiddos since before Christmas, so it was very nice to get letters from them! Julian shared that the name of his community is "La Reliquia", and the most common jobs there are masonry and peddling. They have warm weather and his family celebrated Christmas by sharing a special dinner. Juian said that he got a toy for Christmas! He also shared that he has finished school and was prommoted to the second grade, and he asked that we pray for his grandfather, who is sick. He drew a little church and a heart with a smiley face on it. 

We also heard from Michel in Colombia, on the same day! 

Michel said her comunity is called "La Nohora" and a lot of people there sell pineapple and work in construction! She said it's very warm, and she celebrated Christmas by eating pudding and fritters, and she got a doll for Christmas! Wow! Michel asked me to send her a picture of my entire family (I wonder how inclusive she wants that to be??) and said that she has been promoted to the third grade! She drew some little pink and purple houses, with orange trees and blue rain! :) 

Next up was a letter from our dear Reine in Burkina Faso! 

Reine said she was very happy to write to us, and she was so happy to get our letters and pictures. She also said she was glad to know the first names of my grandparents, as I had written a letter about them, and reading about my friend Hannah and her kids made her happy, too! In the area where she wrote questions for us, she asked if my grandparents live in my house, and if they are still going to church (it is sweet of her to take such an interest in them) and she asked us to pray for her country, and for her daddy and mommy to do well and be in good health. 

Finally, we got another letter from Sithum in Sri Lanka!

After almost a year of writing to Sithum and only hearing from him once (eight months after getting him as a correspondent), it is neat to see his letters picking up a bit. We have heard from him twice in two months now! And he writes a lot in his letters! He started his letter with "My dear Jessi and all of the family members." He said he had received seven letters, a coloring book and 2 cards since he last wrote- it was nice to know that he got the coloring book we sent! Sithum said that no one in his home has been baptized, and recently he went to an exhibition at church. He brought a flower made of palm leaves. He also said this, which made me laugh: "Why are you doing two jobs? Your pain in the back may be due to that you are overtired." Oh, sweetie, if only that was the case- but my back has hurt since I was his age! Sithum also shared that his country's independence day was coming up, and they were celebrating 68 years of independence with a festival, and everyone would raise the flag in their homes. They also received a flag, a book of national symbols, a package of cookies and some special nutritious cereal! How fun! 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Project Letter: TZ-552

Here's a letter from our dear Said's project in Tanzania!

I am Joshua F., project director of (TZ-552) of the Moravian church in the Morogoro region of Tanzania. We minister to your sponsored child Said. I thank you for your sponsorship and support for Said. I take this opportunity to thank you abundantly.

The support of the sponsorship program has done much to improve the standard of living for children, parents, and the whole community. The center has a positive impact on the children in different matters. Children in this program have improved spiritually, socially, physically, and educationally. I love to see the children's lives improved through formal and informal education. They practice different skills acquired from the center, including batik making and designs, making furniture like stools, making jewelry with beads, and others. They are able to stay in school and do well with educational support.

We thank God that children are growing well spiritually by attending camps, worship, and prayer. The children have learned to pray and encourage others to pray. All these mentioned and others not mentioned are the outcomes of sponsors' love and support. The center has a positive impact on the children in different matters. I love to see the children's lives improved through formal and informal education.

Children and youth practice sports, games, and activities. They play football and netball, run, and learn singing and comedy. They play in and out of the center. Last year they went to Mikumi National Park; they got a chance to see different animals and learned various things in the park.

One of our boys is a youth with talent and an open mind. He is attending batik class, and he is a major producer of batik at our center. He now is able to earn money from the community. Through the skills and knowledge he acquired at the center, he can now generate income to help his parents.

The center supports the children in health matters through a support fund from sponsors. One little boy was born in 2010, and he had a problem of eye pressure since his birth. The center paid the bill for his surgery and all costs for the clinic in each month. We thank God that the child has well improved and continues with clinics. Another child who had an ear problem is also well recovered now.

Children are happier when they receive letters from their sponsors and get a chance to be connected with someone through letters. When replying to the letters, children tend to share their life circumstances by expressing what they are passing through, like health conditions, education matters, and social life.

Please help us pray that the children will pass their subjects in school, have good health, and develop spiritually so they believe every day that Jesus is their savior and they can be born again. We thank you much for your support for Said. May God bless you and supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Said's project, please consider lovely Dorotea! She is 18 years old, exactly one year and one day older than Said! Her best subject is geography, she likes listening to music, reading, and storytelling! Read more about her here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Project Letter: TG-120

Here's a letter from the director of Jaki's project in Togo!

My name is Amegnikou K., project director of (TG-120) attended by your sponsored child, located at Tsevie in the Maritime region. We write you this note to show our gratefulness for the support you give to Jaki.

In the spiritual domain, the children manage to know Christ, to learn his wonderful stories and to recognize his Lordship and his salvation for humanity. They manage to pray for themselves.

On the socio-emotional aspect, the child who before was shy has now the opportunity to blossom, to assert himself, and to demonstrate his talents and abilities.

On the physical aspect, the children grow normally thanks to the care they receive in case of sicknesses. They also learn good hygiene practices.

At the cognitive level, the children are interested in the school because the center provides them with school articles and fees. The home courses for our schooled children make them to progress in their classes.

A child severely weakened was able to receive the appropriate care that has saved his life. His family shows ceaselessly its gratitude to the sponsors. This example is the one among so many other cases where the life of the child was in danger but thanks to sponsor support his life was saved. Many parents are touched by the Good News. During the ceremony organized by the church, about ten parents received the Lord and attend the church.

The sponsorship is a really incredible means to bring support and to save human lives. Its impact remains indescribable and deserves to be encouraged. It gives to the child and to his family the smile, the joy of living and a real hope for a better future. Through the sponsoring the child feels loved and considered in the life although he is abandoned at home. When children do not receive letters, they become sad and think that they are forgotten.

We love our work because we remain convinced that by this way, as said in Exodus 2: 1-10 (where the sister, the parents of Moses, and the Pharaoh's daughter used wisdom and worked to save the life of Moses), our objectives in the life of the children will be realized. And not only for these children today in our center but also for thousands worldwide. Even though this work is risky and needs a lot of commitment, attention and a particular implication of our person, we shall make it by our Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens us. We cannot say that the work we do is in vain. The proof is the teaching of the curriculum that transforms the spiritual, physical, cognitive and socio-emotional life of the children who in their turn influence the life of the parents. And this is only a beginning of results. We expect bigger results to impact all the community and bring it to Christ for the glory of God.

We humbly request you to ceaselessly remember these children in your prayers for their good health, their prosperity, and our center to be strengthened in order to achieve our objectives in the life of these children. We lack words to qualify your kindness and your compassion towards Jaki. The Lord will remember your good works. God Almighty blesses you and fills you with His abundant grace.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Jaki's center, please consider little Gabin! He lives with his mom, dad, and three other children. He has been waiting over six months for a sponsor. Read more about Gabin here.