My Compassion Kids

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Looking for a family...

It's been a long time since I've done a post about children from our kids' centers who are waiting for a sponsor! My kids have been on my mind more than usual this week, from the fact that I know I have a ton of letters on the way to wondering why I am waking up every morning at a few minutes after 4 (who needs me? Who needs prayer? What is going on in their lives?) This afternoon, I was thinking about the other children at the centers when we got a letter from Tasya this afternoon talking about the letters that we send to her. I remember in the first year of her sponsorship, we received a letter from one of her project workers that mentioned the children at her project had received about a hundred letters from her in the past year- and I know I had written about a third of those. It kills me that there are kids out there who aren't receiving letters, which is why I have so may correspondents. But there are kids who need sponsors, too! Loving sponsors who will encourage them through letters- more than one or two a year, preferably. :)

So here are some beautiful children from the centers our kids attend. Will you join me in praying that they find a sponsor soon? Maybe it's you! :)

Crismeidy attends the same center as our little Frainelyn in the Dominican Republic (center 161.) She lives with an auntie and two other children. She's 8 years old and her birthday is November 9.

Fendri attends the same center as our beautiful daughter Tasya in East Indonesia (center 141.) Fendri lives with his mom and dad. He's too young to attend school right now; he's 6 years old and his birthday is November 3. This project is located in a very remote area of Indonesia, so the kids receive months' worth of letters at a time, and don't get to write quite as often as other centers. However, in my experience, the letters from our Tasya are top-notch, full of love and affection. They have a great center staff which plan so many fun activities for the kids, like camping trips and spiritual retreats, and they also participate in competitions with other centers a few times a year. Fendri has been waiting almost a year for a sponsor- please pray that he finds one soon! 

Atsou attends the same  center as our tiny girl Jaki in Togo (center 120.) Atsou lives with his mom, dad, and five other kids. People in his community are commonly affected by malaria and parasites, and families that can find employment earn an average of about $40 per month. Atsou is 8 years old, and his birthday is August 13.

Agnes attends the same center as our wee girlie Christina in Tanzania (center 827.) Many of the families in Agnes' hilly neighborhood work as animal herders and farmers, earning about $18 per month. Agnes is 4 years old, and her birthday is August 29.

Luz attends the same center as our handsome guy Herlan in Bolivia! Luz is 5 years old and her birthday is April 26. She's been waiting over six months for a sponsor, which is really surprising! Lack of healthcare is a problem for many of Luz's neighbors, resulting in dental problems, malnutrition, respiratory illnesses, and tuberculosis. 

Daira attends the same center as our little guy Francisco. She lives with her mom, dad, and three siblings. She is 9 years old and her birthday is December 22. Daira and her family live in an area with a high rate of child abuse and exploitation. 

Gabriel lives in Brazil and attends the same center as our lovely Patricia (center 167.) Gabriel lives with his mom and dad, and he likes soccer and singing! One neat thing about this project is that the kids have the opportunity to take fun classes like karate, and learning different languages (Patricia has had some lessons in Russian!) We have also received extra photos from Patricia in the past. Gabriel is 11 years old and his birthday is August 5.

Yared lives in Ethiopia and attends the same center as our friendly guy Tamirat (center 920.) He is 18 years old and has a birthday coming up on February 27. These young men live in an area where many people are affected by HIV/AIDS. Most adults work as day laborers and earn about $20 per month to provide for their families. 

Sefofo lives in Ghana and attends the same center as our sweetheart Angelina (center 628) Sefofo enjoys singing and running, and her birthday is August 11- she is 9 years old! Families in this area earn about $15 per month, and many are affected by HIV/AIDS. Angelina writes her letters in English, which means we are able to send her a wider variety of paper gifts! 

Nicolle lives in Honduras and attends the same center as our little guy Sandier (center 353.) Nicolle is 11 years old, and her birthday is November 18. She lives with her mom and she likes playing basketball! If you sponsor Nicolle through this blog, I will happily take her a gift when I travel to Honduras this fall! 

Chrispinus lives in Kenya and attends the same center as our sweetheart Christine (center 531.) She lives with her auntie and three other children. The families in her neighborhood typically live in mud homes with dirt floors and thatched roofs. Chrispinus is 13 years old and her birthday is October 8.

Shashini lives in Sri Lanka and attends the same center as our Sithum (center 408.) She lives with her mom and dad and two siblings. She is 4 years old, and her birthday is May 13. Shashini likes singing and art. Families in her community are in need of sanitation, clean water, employment opportunities, and schools. 

John lives in the Philippines and attends the same center as our precious Merlyn (center 464.) He's 7 years old and his birthday is November 13. John lives with his mom and dad, and there are 8 children in his family! He likes playing basketball and playing with cars. John has asthma and the Compassion staff are helping him to get the medical assistance that he needs. 

Ploy lives in Thailand and attends the same center as our guy Pitchaya (center 650.) Ploy likes playing with dolls. She lives with her mom, her dad, and three siblings. We have received extra photos of Pitchaya in the past, and Thai kids write such friendly letters! 

Tiny Felista lives in Tanzania and attends the same center as our wild guy Elisha! Felista is just 4 years old and her birthday is July 13. She likes singing, playing house, and playing with dolls. Most of the adults in her neighborhood work as farmers and earn about $12 per month. Elisha and Felista live in an area with a high instance of HIV/AIDS and child exploitation. 

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