My Compassion Kids

Monday, November 30, 2015

Compassion Joys: November

I can't believe that another month has passed by! It's time once again for us to count our Compassion blessings for the month! :)

 Compassion Family


What a blessing to receive so many letters this month! We heard from Amelia, Barry, Eduardo, Estha, Julian, Kevenel, Marc, Michel, Mjay, Rachelle, Reine, Rubby, Ruth, Said, Tasya, Thanakan, and Yekersew! And the letters from Amelia, Rachelle, Rubby, and Ruth were all first letters! How nice to hear from these lovely ladies at last!


It's pretty crazy that 7 birthdays in one month is considered "moderate" for us now! This month, Jayid in India turned 10; Carlos in Peru turned 19; Vandana in India turned 15; Laura in the Dominican Republic turned 19; Kaue in Brazil turned 7; Mary in Kenya turned 20; and Said in Tanzania turned 17! My kiddos are getting so old! :)


We had several sponsor-versaries this month! We celebrated three years of writing to Victor in Kenya, three years since taking over Jayid's sponsorship, two years of sponsoring Bonifas, and one year of writing to Juan in Bolivia!! I love all these boys so much!!

New Kids!

Four new kids joined our family this month! The last two boy "replacement" kids showed up on our account. Francisco is in Bolivia, and Milder is in Peru! I am also taking over letter writing responsibilities for several of my mom's kids, and many of them are still in the process of being moved over. However, two have already been moved- beautiful Amitie in Haiti, and handsome Herlan in Bolivia! They are both really sweet and I am glad that I can do this for my mom! I think the kids will like writing to someone they already sort of know through my mom's letters, and she will still be able to keep in touch with them through me!

Photo Updates! 

Our Tamirat in Ethiopia had a photo update this month! He was just a little overdue for one. We just got Tamirat this year, but had his "current" (two year old) photo, and his previous one! He's so handsome and looks so grown up! 


This month, a very lovely lady from my church traveled to Uganda to help facilitate an adoption, and when I heard she was going back, I asked her if she'd be willing to take gifts for my Caleb and Amelia. She very graciously said yes, and the gifts were dropped off at the field office there last week! This is especially neat since it means Caleb and Amelia will probably receive the presents right around Christmas!!! What a tremendous blessing!!


  1. I always love seeing your new faces and photos updates! And it made me laugh that 7 is a small number of birthdays! That's still a lot for us!

    1. It felt like a lot for us until I got to the one month that had like, 13 birthdays. :)

  2. Wow - 7 birthdays is a lot! We had 0 in November...

    How many kids do you have now? I can't seem to keep up.


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