My Compassion Kids

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Compassion Christmas Party!

We had a really fun weekend here at the Jones house- we had a Christmas party!!

Compassion collects Christmas cards for unsponsored kids each year, and I already have about 300 ready to mail (I spent a lot of my Christmas money on clearance cards after the holidays, and my mom found a bunch of steeply discounted cards at her store, too.) I have been asking friends, family, and coworkers for their leftover Christmas cards, and then I planned a party to work on signing them!

Ten people signed 330 cards last night! 

Christmas has always been my family's favorite holiday, and my family used to have holiday open houses every year. I planned out a menu with some of our favorite party foods, and made a facebook event to invite a few family members and Bible study friends. Almost everyone there has sponsor kids of their own, and I really miss seeing my Bible study friends since we stopped meeting last year. Not everyone I invited was able to make it, but it was still fun. My mom and dad came over a little early (I had asked my dad to make a cheeseball and chocolate chip cookies, two of my favorite Christmas party foods that I've never really been able to replicate as good as he makes them!) I set up our card table in the kitchen and made it a real card table- I added a plastic table cloth that matched the pretty fabric one I found on clearance at Target and put out all the blank cards I had, plus my gel pens and markers for signing them. My mom also brought some little paper angel ornaments that she found at Hobby Lobby. There's a place on each ornament for a name, so she said that we could color them and send them to my kids! We only got a few of those finished, but I think it will be neat to include them in the Christmas cards and tell the kids who decorated them for them!

I had such a fun time! I admit I was pretty worried about the evening, because I stress about these things and a few people I really wanted to be there didn't end up coming, but it was so much fun. My friend Steph came and stayed the whole time, even though she didn't know anybody but me, and I am so thankful for her and her friendship! She even stayed late and we watched an episode of the Golden Girls together. :) My aunt and cousin came, and I know my aunt signed at least 50 cards on her own (and a lot of them came from her house, because she gets lots of free cards in the mail every year, and she bought some a few weeks ago to contribute, too!) We were also joined by Helen and my dear friend Amanda for a little while- I only get to see Amanda once a year because she is a missionary to Japan! And after they got off work, Pat and Mary Jane came over, too (they are part of my Lifeway family.)

Me and Amanda! 

If you are interested in sending Christmas cards for the unsponsored kids, it's really easy! Just sign some cards (keep your message short and simple, as the cards won't go through the regular translation process), place them in unsealed envelopes (optional) and mail them to the following address by November 2:

Compassion International 
Attn: Christmas Cards for Unsponsored Children
Colorado Springs, CO

This is such a fun opportunity for fellowship, a great chance to share Compassion with your friends and family, and an excuse to celebrate the best holiday a little early! The yummy food is just a bonus. :) 

Some of our snacks!


  1. Such a good idea to ask friends and family for their left over cards!

    So glad you had a good response and were able to get so many done....there are going to be some really happy kids when they get these!!

  2. That's such a fun idea!!! I'm impressed with how many cards you guys did. And those ornaments your mom found are so cute!!!!


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