My Compassion Kids

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Project Letter: BO-561

Here's another pastor's letter, this time from our Maite's project in Bolivia!

We greet you with the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and hope that his endless grace fills you abundantly with blessings in the ministries you carry forward. 

My name is Severo Gomez and I am the Evangelical Baptist Nazareth Church pastor. Our child development center has been in existence for more than 25 years, and is attended by your sponsored child. The church and center are located in the southern area of the city of Cochabamba, in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

On behalf of the church we want to thank you for sponsoring Maite, and pray God blesses you in great ways. 

Let me tell you that the southern area of our city is known for struggling against great social and economic issues since many families live in extreme poverty, live on a rent, have low incomes, and most of our children come from disintegrated families. There are many gangs in the community, high rates of delinquency and many places that sell alcohol and drugs. In the midst of this, the children living in this area need to be taken care of and require our holistic support in the cognitive, physical, social-emotional and spiritual areas.

When it comes to measure the impact our center has in the community, we must first help the poorest and neediest of families. Our center staff is continuously challenged to help the children in greatest need, and in this way contribute to their holistic development. The impact this center has in the lives of these children brings us great satisfaction since there are areas in their lives with great needs that are being met.

The church vision is to continue benefitting the children and we know they represent a hope for a brighter future for their families, in the church and society altogether. 

The events that took place this previous year were: graduations, military camps, field trips, sports, birthday celebrations, Children's Day celebrations and others. The sponsored children receive their sponsor's letters with great joy and emotion. The relationship between the sponsored child and their sponsor through written correspondence and prayer is utmost important in the child's development phase.

As a partner church we kindly request our sponsors to continue to support their sponsored children with their prayers: that our children may grow and be fulfilled in life and above all, reach Christ's Lordship in their lives. We pray they live fulfilled lives with high Christ-centered principles and values.

With this prayer request we say goodbye and once more express our infinite gratitude to the Lord for your sponsorship of Maite. 

1 comment:

  1. Pastors letters are one of my favorite things! They give such insight to the community and I enjoyed hearing all the activities the project does!


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