My Compassion Kids

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Tanzania, Kenya, Honduras, Ghana and Rwanda

Happy Mail Call Monday!

Our first letter of the week was from Elifagason in Tanzania! 

Elifagason shared that at the center, he is learning addition, and they've been discussing how to search for a job! One thing that's really neat about the centers is they also work really hard to prepare the kids for work in the future, by teaching them marketable skills and things like that. Employment is obviously really crucial to ending poverty. And he shared Ephesians 4:12 to go along with this lesson! Elifagason also said that the teachers and kids at his project got to attend a wedding recently! In my response, I'll ask him who got married! 

Next, we got a letter from Angelina in Ghana! 

Angelina said that she really enjoyed the stories I've been sending to her, including the Men and Women of Faith letters that Hannah has posted! She said that last month, her project had a spelling bee, and while she didn't take part in it, it was a fun experience to watch! In the "questions for my sponsor" section of the letter, she asked me to describe what snow feels like! She asked us to pray for her family. 

Next up, a letter from Motempa in Kenya!

This is the second letter we received from Motempa, but the first letter she wrote! We had a letter/envelope mix-up with her first letter, so I just got her intro form letter! I'm glad it made it to me! Motempa likes purple and green, and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She has three siblings and her best friend's name is Vivian. He favorite subject is science and her favorite Bible story is the tale of the fall of the walls of Jericho. She shared that her favorite foods are beef stew and mokimo, which I learned is a dish of mashed potatoes and vegetables. Motempa asked that we pray for rain in Kenya. 

Then we got our first letter from Habimana in Rwanda!

Habimana sent a form letter about his house, which is made of wood and mud, and has a metal roof. He doesn't have electricity but he has access to a well. Habimana and his family sent greetings and seemed really excited that he has a new letter-writer, and I'm excited about that, too. He also mentioned that he was unable to finish the first grade last year because it was expensive, so he is giving it another go this year. His letter really had me thinking about his family's financial situation, and I hope to be able to send a small family gift sometime soon. 

Finally, we heard from Sandier in Honduras!

Sandier's letter was a form letter about his project. He said that his project has 289 kids, and his favorite part about his tutor at the project is her attention (his tutor is Iris!) The letter was written by Patricia, who is the coordinator of sponsorship at the project. She shared that Sandier was so happy to get the gift that we sent- when in reality, the gift was from the field office staff, who took up a collection after learning that the gift I sent Sandier last year had gotten lost. I was just so overwhelmed by their kindness. As an added blessing, we got an extra photo of Sandier with his gifts! 


  1. Thank you for sharing your kids' letters with us! I've really enjoyed looking through your posts to get ideas for corresponding with my own Compassion kiddos. Thanks for taking the time to share :-)

  2. Wow! So many great first letters!!! And I'm so glad Angelina is enjoying the stories :)


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