My Compassion Kids

Thursday, April 2, 2015

My missing piece.

I'm trying to keep up with my gratitude challenge- though I can't guarantee that I'll be able to post on the same day every week, I do plan on trying to post! 

This weeks gratitude suggestion was about spouses. And let me tell you, I am so thankful for my husband. It's kind of a miracle that we got together, and I'm very glad we did. Brandon and I have known each other for over a really long time, but we didn't really have anything to do with each other for the first several years after we met. I'm thankful for the circumstances that brought us together- thankful that I was feeling left behind by a friend and decided to reach out to other folks that I wouldn't have had time to connect with otherwise. Thankful that the one person I happened to speak with mentioned Brandon. Thankful that I thought it would be funny to get in touch with him and say hi. I'm thankful that we were able to get to know each other so well through writing before we even started dating, too- I think that taking the time to really get to know someone you're interested in before you start dating is so important! And it minimizes some of the heartbreak if things don't work out, too. 

I'd pretty much be lost without Brandon. I wouldn't have been able to stay in school as long as I did without his help- even though he had no obligation to help me with tuition, he did. He took incredibly demanding courses in college and worked and still made time to see me and spend time with me. He has always been such a hard worker- even though our life hasn't quite worked out as we thought it would five years ago when we got married, we wouldn't have anything we do now if it wasn't for him. We wouldn't have been able to afford a decent apartment, or buy a house. I'm thankful that he's so sensible and smart with money and keeps me accountable and knows what he's doing, because half the time I feel like I don't. 

I'm thankful we have so much in common- we love to have fun together, whether it's watching a movie or talking about a news article or visiting the zoo (one of our very favorite things to do!) We love to laugh, too, and I'm glad I married someone who just cracks me up. Brandon has a reputation for being quiet and not saying much- and it's true that small talk isn't his thing, and it can be a little tough to get him to open up sometimes. But he is actually very hilarious, and has so many funny thoughts and ideas. He says the silliest things and likes to keep me entertained! He is so good at cheering me up when I am feeling sad or angry or just a little off. 

And one of the things that I'm most thankful for is that he is steady. Brandon can be very stoic- and that's good for me. His calm demeanor and ability to see things clearly and logically keeps me in balance. When I am feeling frantic, he is perfectly rational. When I'm worried, he is calm. When I'm blowing things out of proportion or completely overreacting, he brings me back down to earth. He may not always be able to connect with me in ways that I expect, but he is the perfect counterbalance to my craziness. 

I am thankful for Brandon. If he wasn't who he is, we wouldn't have made it this far. I'd be a lot more messed up than I am today. And I wouldn't feel whole without him! 

If you are married or have a significant other, try to take time this week to show him or her how grateful you are to have them in your life. Whether it's fixing a favorite meal, letting them choose the Netflix movie, deciding to let an argument go, or just simply saying "I'm thankful for you," everyone likes to feel appreciated- and showing that appreciation is good for your relationship, and can make you feel good, too! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! It's so neat to see how God brought the perfect complement to your personality in Brandon.


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