My Compassion Kids

Monday, March 16, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Indonesia and Burkina Faso

Happy Mail Call Monday!

Mail has been pretty slow lately, which is kind of a bummer! At the library, when we have a lot of books going out to fill reserves, sometimes the sorters at the Main branch can get a little backed up, and we have a small delivery for a few days before a great big one. I am hoping that maybe that's what's going on here! :)

The first letter we received was from Tasya in Indonesia.

I'm glad that Tasya's last two letters haven't been too far apart. I used to get sooo many letters from her! Now they're more sporadic. Tasya's letter said that she had been sick for three days. I am praying that she is all better now. She said that my letters had helped her feel better, and that made me glad! She shared that her church does not have any musical instruments they use in praise and worship (a response to a letter I had written about music at my church) and she said thank you for the kitten calendar I sent her for Christmas! I sent out a lot of calendars- I think that the ones I sent Tasya were actually a little bookmark calendar. Michael's had these booklets of twelve bookmarks, and each one had a one month calendar on it. I'm glad she liked them, and it was great to know that they made it to her safely!

At the end of the week, we got a letter from Barry in Burkina Faso!

When Barry's letters are written by a helper, they call him "Omar" (his name is listed as Omar Cheick Barry.) When he writes them himself, he says his name is "Barri." Just to be certain, I asked him in my response which name he prefers! Barry's letter was about the weather. He said that when it rains, he likes to play in the puddles, and right now it's cold where he lives! In the main part of his letter, he shared that on Christmas, he went to church. After the service, the kids did ballets, and then the workers at the project handed out gifts. Barry got a new outfit! He asked if American kids also receive Christmas gifts at their projects. : )

1 comment:

  1. I love that Barry shared about puddles and asked about Christmas for kids here!! And I love that Tasya responded to your question and commented about the stuff you included!


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