My Compassion Kids

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Kenya, Indonesia, Colombia, and Brazil

Happy Mail Call Monday, everyone!

We got quite a few letters this week- and are expecting even more to be on the way! Here's what we'e received since last Monday.

First, we started getting letters from our new Kenyan girls! The first one is from Rose, who is 11 years old.

Rose's letter, along with the other first letters, was a form letter describing some basics about her family and her favorite things. Rose lives with her mom and dad and SEVEN siblings. She listed them all and shared their ages! She also said her best friends are Mercy and Zawadi (Gift) who share a family name with her. I asked if they are cousins! Rose shared that she really likes drawing and playing in her free time, and she helps her family by washing utensils. She shared 139: 14a and asked that we pray for her studies.

Next, we got a letter from Christine in Kenya!

Christine lives with her mom and dad and four siblings- and she shared all their names and ages! She also really likes math and her favorite color is green. She said she likes going to church, and her favorite Bible story is the story of Daniel. She also said " I am very happy to have a best friend like you. My family members are also happy to have you as a new member of our family, which just melted my heart! Christine shared that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up so she can save people's lives, and asked that we pray for her parents to get good jobs, and that she will do well in school so she can become a doctor!

Then came a letter from Gloria in Kenya, on the same day!

If I had to guess which three Kenyan letters would arrive at the same time, Gloria's might be in there- but we also got two older girls at the same center, and it was so funny that their letters haven't arrived yet! Maybe the big kids write on a different day- Gloria is just 8 years old! She just has one brother, and lives with him and their parents. She shared that her best friend is named Yvonne, and Gloria wants to be a lawyer when she grows up. What a wonderful aspiration! And for her prayer request, she asked that we pray for Yvonne, who wants to be an engineer!!

Then, on the same day, we got a letter from Tasya in Indonesia!!

Tasya's letters have been few and far between over the past year, so I was extremely surprised to get another letter from her 5 or 6 weeks after the last one. She told us that in September they traveled to another area of Sulawesi for three days, and participated in competitions with kids from other Compassion centers! They have done many things like this in the past, which I think is really neat! Tasya took part in the choir competition and the tambourine dance competition, and she spent time with lots of friends!

Next up, we got a letter from Victor in Kenya!

I knew a letter from Victor would be arriving soon, since it was a little over two months since his last letter! Victor's letter was a little discouraging. It was the first time that he didn't fill both sides of the page, and his letter was full of concern for his country. Lately he has mentioned the terrorist attacks and other security issues more frequently in his letters, and this is basically all he wrote about in this one. It's so sad. He said that many schools have been closed but even though he's at home, he's still reading and going over his old tests and homework so he can get smarter.

We finished out the week with three letters in one day! The first was from Michel in Colombia.

Michel wrote that her favorite animals are cats, dogs, chickens, and rabbits. She would like to have a pet rabbit and she would name it Chiquitin. She also said she wants to learn to skate someday, and she likes going to the park and playing with her mom. She sent me a Bible verse (Psalms 31:24) and asked that I send her one. She said goodbye with a kiss and a hug!

Then we got a short letter from Patricia in Brazil!

Patricia's letter was special because it actually arrived on her birthday! As usual, it didn't say much, but it was very sweet. She said it's "too hot" in Brazil, and that she and her brothers were excited about Christmas coming up. She asked what we do for Christmas and shared that she has a dog named Baby. She signed her letter with kisses, and drew lots of big hearts!

Finally, we got a very special letter from Mary in Kenya!!

Mary's letters are always wonderful and long. This one was no exception! She shared her usual inspirational quotes with me, and told me that she is waiting on her citizenship card to arrive! She also shared the names of her favorite worship songs, and told me the different ways she is praying for us- for God to bless us, for healing for my brother, for my mom's eyesight to get better, and for my friend Pat, whom I mentioned as a random prayer request in one of my letters. :) She said that she doesn't do any crafts, but it's "great" that I've learned to crochet and am making scarves and blankets.

Then there was a second page! The first part of Mary's letter was written just a few days before my friend Shelley arrived in Kenya, carrying gifts for Victor and Mary. Mary must have received the gifts really quickly and written a quick thank you note to be attached with the other letter! I could tell she did it a little bit hurriedly because her handwriting wasn't quite as meticulous- and that's just fine by me! I'm hoping that she is able to send an extra photo with her next letter. I'd love to see her wearing the scarf or the necklace we sent! She listed each item by name, saying things like "the sweets were very sweet," "I am very happy for the scarf made by your own hands," "Thanks a lot for the Bible with even my name," and she said the "notebook" (photo album) was "just wow!) I'm so glad she liked everything, and I am abundantly thankful that I was able to send her this gift!!


  1. Are countries like Kenya always so predictable with letters coming around the same time? That's awesome!

    1. This has been my experience with Kenya since I got my Kenyan kids over two years ago! I waited three or four months for a first letter, and then it's been every two years! Tanzania and Uganda, their neighbors, aren't quite as predictable. I think it's just random countries in Compassion's program. :)

    2. I'm guessing that kids from Kenya all have the same letter writing day... Whenever you get letters from Victor and Mary, I know that I have one from Mbula on the way! I'll be curious to see if my new little one from the 1,000 follows that pattern as well!

  2. What an amazing letter week!! Isn't it such a blessing to have letters full of hopes for being a lawyer and having a pet rabbit? I'm sorry that Victor's letter was sad. I'm so glad he can express himself to you. And how sweet of Mary!

    1. I love when the kids share their hopes and aspirations! And I'm thankful that Victor feels he can open up to me. I do everything I can to encourage him!


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