My Compassion Kids

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Indonesia, Honduras, and Ghana

Happy Mail Call Monday! I hope everyone is staying warm!

I was really worried that we wouldn't have any letters this week- mail has been delayed all around my city because of snow. We got about 10 inches on Monday, and we've been having trouble coping with it! But I did get a few toward the end of the week, and I was very grateful!

The first letter we got this week was from Prayer in Indonesia.

Prayer's letter didn't say much, and it looked even shorter because instead of writing out the translation, the translator typed it- so it was all on a really wide strip of paper, but only two lines long! Prayer said that he was thankful we'd been sending letters, and he enjoyed reading them. He and his family were getting ready for Christmas, and they would have fun. He asked about the weather and said it was sunny where he lives, but sometimes it rains hard. And that's all! Even though it was a short letter, I was glad to hear from him- sometimes letters from Indonesia are really far apart.

Next, we got a really great letter from Anahi in Honduras!

I just love getting Anahi's letters. There's usually a few form questions at the top, and then a big space for free writing, which her mom fills up. In this letter, we learned that Anahi's favorite Bible character is Moses, her favorite story is the story of Adam and Eve, and one thing she has learned about God is that he gave his life for all of us out of love! In the rest of the letter, her mom Celina said that she has really enjoyed all our letters and coloring books and things, and she said thanks for the "huge love" I have for their family. I do love them so much! She wrote that Anahi's little brother Isai is 2 years old, and that Anahi's dad made her a chocolate cake for her birthday! Everyone sang happy birthday to her, and they also celebrated her birthday at the project. She also shared that Anahi finished the school year on the honor roll with a 95% and now she is going on to the second grade! That is great news!! She said that Anahi loves reading Bible stories, and reading is something that we have in common! She finished by saying that they are praying for me a lot, and also praying for my friend Jess (as soon as I found out my best friend is having a baby, I wrote to my kids asking them to pray for her!)

Lastly, we got a neat letter from Angelina in Ghana!

I love Ghana's stationery because it is just full of prompts for writing- so I always get lots of information! Angelina opened her letter by saying thanks for all that we have done for her- we send lots of letters and little gifts, and I'm guessing that she hasn't received a lot of letters in the past! Angelina said that her family is fine, and her schooling is going well, too. She said that they don't have any special Christmas traditions in Ghana, but they just go to church and have a nice meal afterwards. In the section asking her what she has learned lately, Angelina said she has learned how to make a new kind of soup, and how to help disabled people! Wow! She asked what the name of our church is, and asked us to pray for her, specifically for this reason: "she says that you should pray for her life so that one day she can become like you and do to others as you do to her." I melted!! She is so sweet and I love her so much. I hope I get to write to her for a long time!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so neat that Angelina is learning to help disabled people. Anahi's letters just amaze me and Prayer is so cute!!


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