My Compassion Kids

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Honduras

Happy Mail Call Monday!

Only one letter to write about this week. I'm starting to get a little concerned. Our mailman didn't deliver some things that were absolutely supposed to be delivered last Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, and I am also expecting some letters from  a few kids who write like clockwork. I am praying that my mailbox is full of letters (and the other things we are missing) today!)

Our letter this week was from Eduardo in Honduras.

Eduardo's letter was very sweet and informative! He opened by saying "Thank you for always being very attentive of me because you are always writing and I thank God for placing you in my way and that at a distance we are friends." I'm so glad he enjoys the letters I send! Eduardo let me know that his mom is doing better (she had been sick) and he is very glad for that because aside from his brother Victor, she is all he has. He said that it's just the three of them together, but they are very happy! He also told me that his mom works at a place with a laboratory, and they have lots of mice there- which he compared to our dearly departed pet rats. That was so neat, that he made the connection and shared that with me! Eduardo also shared that his dog's name is Doki, and that on Sunday mornings he and his brother get up early for soccer practice. At the time of his letter, they were getting ready for a tournament! And Eduardo is the goalie! He closed by asking that we pray for him because he has been having sinus issues and will have some tests, but he is sure that everything will turn out fine!

I'm looking forward to seeing what letters turn up this week! : ) 


  1. I feel for Eduardo... sinus problems are no fun!! How neat that he's a goalie... my boy in Kenya is a mid-fielder :)

  2. Wow! What a fun letter. I love how Eduardo not only shared details about his life but also connected his life to yours!! What a neat guy!! I hope that his sinus issues are ok. I'll pray!


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