My Compassion Kids

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Getting to Know You: Jayid

Our third sponsor child profile is about my little buddy Jayid!

Name: Jayid
Age: 9
Birthday: November 9
Country: India
Sponsored since: March 2012/November 2012

How we got him: We first received Jayid as a correspondence child- we were actually already at our limit of 3 (in addition to Said, we had Joane and Tae in Haiti and Thailand, but they've left the program.) Someone from Compassion posted online that they had so many kids who needed correspondents that they would bend the rule and allow people to have one more! After some confusing phone calls (not everyone who answered the phones knew about the special circumstances at first) we got Jayid! And unfortunately, about 8 months later, his sponsor decided to drop him. We prayed about it and decided that we would take on his sponsorship. So that's why we have two dates for sponsorship for him!

About his family: Jayid lives with his mom and dad, and he has two siblings, a brother and a sister. His mom and dad are in their 30s, and they have been sick off and on during our sponsorship of him. The health of Jayid's family is a special and frequent prayer of mine!

Hobbies and Interests: I definitely learned more about Jayid in his first year of letters than I have in the letters since. His favorite color is black, and he likes chess. He is also a good artist, and he is learning English. In one of his first letters, he wrote out the English alphabet and the numbers 1-100 to show me his progress! Now he mostly keeps me up to date on what's going on at his project. Last year they did a few months of martial arts classes, and he seemed to enjoy that! He also likes to sing "action songs" at the center.

Here are some quotes from his letters throughout the past few years!

"He is very intelligent in studying. He is a good boy. He likes eating bread and milk."

Jayid's first picture!

"He also gives thanks of your giving information about world famous horse race and air craft show."

"He comes to school cheerfully."

"What I like most about my community is: social work and cultural dance."

"You are saying about tigers so he also says our teacher studied about tigers. My teacher says in our state (is the) highest number of tigers living."

"When I grow up I want to become: a teacher because he can teach to all illiterate people." 

Our second photo of Jayid! 

"Someday I would like to meet my sponsor because: he wants to see them with her two lovely eyes."

"When I grow up I would like to help my family by: making their wishes come true."

"He likes Abraham's faith story."

When my mother-in-law went to India on business, she took a bag and mailed it for Jayid! The postal service returned it, but her colleagues took it to the field office and delivered it in person!!

I never found out who this lady was, but apparently they had a little party to celebrate Jayid getting his UK bag full of gifts! And in his thank you letter, they listed them all out (including things like the brand name of the pencils I sent!)

"He says so much thank you for your gift, stickers, bag, and for so many things, and for precious prayer."

Our most recent photo of Jayid, updated this fall! 

"He says that he is very glad to learn some English words and sentence."

1 comment:

  1. That's so neat that Jayid likes chess!!! And he's so cute. Those photos are amazing!!


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