My Compassion Kids

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Tanzania and Honduras

It's the last Mail Call Monday of 2014! My how the time has flown! Here are the letters we received this week!

Letters #101 and #102 for the year arrived this week. The first one was from Elisha in Tanzania.

I hadn't heard from Elisha in a while, so it was great to get a letter from him! It was a form letter about his hobbies and pets. I was glad to read that his favorite hobby is helping his parents. But when asked who he likes to do his hobbies with, he wrote "study hard!" I think someone might be trying to impress us a little bit. :) We also learned that he either wants or already has a pet goat and a pet cat. They forgot to circle which option described Elisha! In the free writing portion of the letter, Elisha said that with the birthday gift we sent, he got rice, sugar and a new track suit!

The second letter was from Anahi in Honduras!

Anahi is so cute. I love the fact that her mom writes her letters for her! Anahi's letter was about her family and her pets. She said she spends most of her time with her mom and her little brother Isai. They also live with their grandmother- they moved in with her after her grandfather passed away. There are lots of animals at her grandmother's house, including a dog named Bear, a cat, and a parakeet! They used to have a parrot that talked, but it died. And Anahi said her favorite animal is a turtle!

There are still two days left in 2014- it would be so neat if a few more letters showed up! We'll see what happens! : )

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny that Elisha's hobbies are helping his parents and studying. What a sweet guy!! And Anahi is adorable. I loved her letter!! She's a pet lover like you.


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