My Compassion Kids

Monday, December 1, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Haiti, Kenya, and Peru

I missed Mail Call  Monday last week, as I was out of town-so here are my letters from the last  two weeks!

Since my last post, we've received four letters! The first  was from Kevenel in Haiti. 

Kevenel's letter was a form letter which provided more info about him. He said he has short hair and dark eyes, and he is the second of three children. He likes to go to the garden and he wants to be a teacher when he grows up! Kevenel also shared that he has been to a  library before- something I ask all my kids! I'm glad that Kevenel has access to a library! 

Next we  heard from Victor in Kenya. 

My Victor is an incredibly smart young man and makes really good grades- but they are never good enough for his own satisfaction! Victor told me that he is going to "put his best foot forward" and work even harder next term! Victor wrote to say he was sorry about the loss of our pet,  and he hoped that we would be able  to get a new pet soon. He shared a memory verse- Matthew 10:40- and said "I am glad you are having time to enjoy with your friends, since by doing that you are promoting peace and friendship which is like serving the Lord." He is such a sweet young man! 

Then, like clockwork, we heard from Mary in Kenya! 

Mary's letter arrived on her 19th birthday! She writes such amazing letters. She is always so positive and encouraging. Because her letter was so great, I am just going to share it in its entirety here: 

Dear Jessi Jones, 
I hope you are fine and your family too. May the Lord of grace continue expanding your territory because you have done sooo much for me and I cannot be able to thank you. I am finishing my high school education this year and I thank the Lord for the great opportunity. I am doing all my best so that I can achieve my target and I am also dedicating my work to the Lord. 
At home all are fine and healthy. I thank God for making each new day seem bright to my family. I hope your family is fine because God is not so unjust to forget his people. Jessi, you are a great friend to me and I am not afraid to say this to the crowd. You are a friend in a million and may God never set us apart. You care so much for me like I am your sister. Try this. I came up with it on my own. My name is Mary but when I write it starting from the last letter it will be Yram and when you write your name Jessi Jones it will sound this way, Issej Senoj. Do you remember you are J² and I am M²? Remember success is not a journey it is a destination. 
Thank you for your letters because when I read them I usually feel great and that I have a friend who cares. I will pray for your mother, your brother Jonathan and for you and believe that you will find a job. Never give the devil a ride because you will never drive. Pray for my schooling and God will bless you. 

Lastly, we heard from Carlos in Peru!

Carlos had a lot to say in his letter- he wrote two pages! He said that Peru's Independence Day was July 28, and they celebrate the holiday the same way that Americans do. He also said that he has graduated high school and is working on applying for college!! I am so proud of him!! He told me about the jungles of Peru (which he has not visited, but wants to someday) and about the biodiversity there. He also told me that his dog is not very big, as it is still a puppy, and he wanted me to know that he does know what KFC is, and that he has been there with his friends! Carlos and I frequently write to each other about food, and what our regions are known for. So in one letter, I explained that Kentucky is famous for fried chicken- and that the "K" in "KFC" stood for Kentucky! Since he lives in a really big city, I thought there might be a chance that he knew what KFC was! Lastly, Carlos shared this prayer request: "Please pray that God helps me with the studies I will start taking and that He protects me from mean people." I will definitely do that! 

Since a letter from Carlos arrived Saturday, I am hoping that a letter from Mishel arrives today! I also know that we have a letter from Michel in Colombia coming soon, and hopefully a few others!  :)


  1. I'm always excited when you hear from your Kenyan kids... as it means a letter from my Kenyan boy isn't far behind! Sure enough, I checked my account and saw that a letter from Mbula is on it's way!

  2. I hope that Carlos will be able to visit the jungles someday! And I love that Kevenel has access to a library! Most of my kids haven't heard of libraries. I love Victor's phrases. And Mary is so sweet.... I love that she sees you as her sister!!!!! What a special letter from her.


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