My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Compassion at the Library

A few months ago, I came up with what I think is a pretty neat idea. There is going to be a new page on my blog called "Compassion at the Library." As pretty much everyone knows, I work at a public library, and I love reading. Whenever I get a sponsor child from a new-to-me country, I order every book on that country from my library system, and just devour them. I love learning about my kids' countries, and I also really enjoy reading children's books in particular.

As many of my readers have small children, and some even home-school, I thought I would compile a list of children's books (or books for families) that feature the countries where Compassion works. I also may add a section for general books on poverty and global awareness as well. I had hoped to post the list in a single blog entry, and have it finished by now, but it is taking a looooong time. I have been absolutely swamped with books over the past six weeks or so. I had planned on limiting the list to a few books per country, but that's no fun. So the list is going to be pretty big, and doesn't cover every country yet. From now on, there will be a tab at the top of my blog that says "Compassion at the Library." It will be updated whenever I read a new (good) book that would fit well in the list, so check back every once in a while and see if there's anything new on there!

I hope that you folks with kids (or who are like me and don't have kids but think they're fun and enjoy doing the things that they do) find the new page interesting and helpful! And if you have any recommendations to make, please feel free to let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about this page!!! Maybe if I come across books that fit the bill, I can send you the titles and authors? I absolutely love books.... My mum thought I was going to be a librarian one day but I went for math instead!


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