My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Compassion Joys: September

I can't believe September is already over! This year has just FLOWN by! Here are my Compassion Joys from this month.

 Compassion Family


We got lots of letters this month! We heard from Kevenel (Haiti), Said (Tanzania), Sandier (Honduras), Mishel and Carlos (Peru), Caleb (Uganda), Victor and Mary (Kenya), and got first letters from Kajal in India and Reine in Burkina Faso! We also got an update email from Compassion about Said's leg, which I count as a letter because it was correspondence about one of my kiddos. : )

Photo Updates!

We had a few updates this month, as well! Pretty Mary had her photo updated. I love her skirt! We have had lots of pictures from Mary in the two years we've been writing- she had her photo updated not long after we got her, plus we've received two extra photos of her!

Little Brendita in Mexico had her photo updated as well! She looks so old now! I just love her- she's so cute!

And lastly, Bonifas in Tanzania had his photo updated! He looks like he is just about to crack a smile in this picture- but the really neat thing is that he's wearing one of the shirts I brought him in March! I saw the photo and thought "hey wait a minute- that looks familiar!"


Our wild man Elisha turned 8 on September 10! Happy birthday, Elisha!

Country Profiles!

I finished some more country profiles for my blog this month. If you have some free time, check out my posts on Bolivia and Bangladesh to learn more about those countries!

New Kids!

We were matched with two new correspondents this month! Back in July I had requested two girls to even out my number of kids. The first one showed up this month. Her name is Doeyu and she lives in Ghana! This is my first child in Ghana. I'm looking forward to getting to know her! She looks so cute in her pink princess dress!

The other new addition is Elifagason! He lives in Tanzania! Elifagason was a surprise because as I said, we had been on the list for two girls! He's so handsome. If I ever get to go back to Tanzania, I'm definitely going to have to take someone with me to help wrangle all these boys!

My mom also got two new sponsor kids this month- two tiny little girls in the Dominican Republic and Tanzania!

Seeds Planted!

As I said last month, I had an opportunity to set up some Compassion information at my fundraising booth at a craft festival. I'd call the booth a mild success- I brought in more money than I had before, but I didn't sell much, most everyone ignored the Compassion materials I had set out (the biggest acknowledgement was when a lady told her granddaughter not to touch the child packets: "we don't do that, we do (another program.)" BUT one of my friends who stopped by talked about being interested in becoming a sponsor, possibly sometime soon. She sees all my facebook posts about my kids and checked out Compassion's financial integrity after I started posting so frequently about my kiddos. I told her about the different options for financially supporting Compassion, and she took a brochure! I will find the right sponsor child for her! : )


  1. Fun for you to see your kiddo wearing the shirt you sent!

  2. What a great month! Tons of letters and seeds planted. Beautiful photo updates and two new precious correspondents!! And Bonifas' update with the shirt you brought is amazing!! So many joys. :)

    1. It has been an awesome month- can't wait to see what October has in store!

  3. Wow...what an amazing month for you! I love that Bonifas is wearing the shirt you got him. : )

    Thank you for faithfully linking up. I appreciate you.

    1. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to link up! I love reading everyone else's joys, too!

  4. Wow, busy month! And I can't believe how much little Brendita has grown! I can't wait to see what October has for us all! And welcome to your two new additions!

    1. Brendita was so tiny when we first got her! I love seeing her grow up into such a pretty young lady!


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