My Compassion Kids

Monday, August 4, 2014

The eleventh seven days

A few days late, but here are last week's happy moments. : )

July 27: We had a nice evening at home today. Some of my other happy moments in these posts have been related to good movies we have watched- that is how we like to spend our time, and when a movie is really good, and I get to watch them with my husband, and we have a good time. Tonight we watched "Howl's Moving Castle," which is another film from director Hayao Miyazaki. I really liked this one as well!

July 28: Today was my observation day at the preschool where I applied for a job, and it was so much fun!! Ridiculously so.

July 29: I had a nice evening at Bible study. Mom got dinner and we had some good discussions. Then we stopped by the store on the way home and she bought me a few things, like princess band-aids and Hello Kitty fruit snacks!

July 30:  Many things to be happy about today. I had the most relaxing dentist visit today. Which sounds impossible, but it happened! I went to see the new endodontist since the last one I visited didn't finish the job. He was super nice, they had a "Tempurpedic" brand exam chair (so comfy) and I popped in my earbuds, they turned on the nitrous, and I basically just zoned out for over an hour. Absolutely no issues whatsoever. Which is the first time in my life that has happened. No exaggeration. Also, my dad brought me a milkshake at work since my mouth was tired and hurty, and then later that night, I got texts from my friend Ashley- I sent my buddy's A.'s birthday present over to him via his dad (who is my mom's boss) and I got pics and a video. They really made me happy. I love my buddy so much! The bubble mower was apparently a big hit! : )

July 31: I'm happy with myself because I got some work done around the house today! Between having no energy and having a hot house (still no AC!) I haven't felt like doing much. So I'm happy I got some stuff done today.

August 1: Today was a pretty good day at work. Nothing particularly special happened- I had a nice cup of coffee when I got to work, and had a really long day, but nothing traumatic happened and there were no major problems. I am glad that I got to spend the day with my best friend- this was my last regular day working with her as she is going to work at another branch starting next week. And now I will stop writing because this is supposed to be about happy things, not sad things.

August 2: A letter from Elisha arrived today! It was short and didn't say much, but it was still a nice surprise. I feel like I have heard from my TZ boys so much lately- that's definitely something to be happy about!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such a good dentist visit!! And the photo is adorable...good gift choice!! Juanito has one and loves it!!


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