My Compassion Kids

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Compassion Joys: August

My favorite part of the month is the end of the month- I get to share my Compassion blessings with you, and I love reading other people's posts as well!

 Compassion Family


This month we received six letters- most of them arrived at the beginning of the month. We heard from Bonifas (Tanzania), Jayid (India) and Patricia (Brazil), plus we got first letters from Erick (Ecuador), Eduardo (Honduras) and Sharifa (Bangladesh!) It was very exciting to receive so many first letters this month- it definitely shrank our list of kids we are waiting to hear from!


A special treat this month was receiving an extra photo from Eduardo in Honduras. He is posing with the gifts he bought with the small birthday gift we were able to send. We also got a photo update of Mishel in Colombia!


Our Caleb in Uganda turned 13 this month! Happy birthday, Caleb!


This hasn't happened yet, but I did at least find out about an opportunity to set up my own booth at a community event at my church. I am going to set up a booth selling crafts (including more bracelets and ornaments from Haiti!) to raise money for my next Compassion trip. I've also ordered some child packets and other materials so I can talk about Compassion with the people who come to this outdoor market, and hopefully get some kids sponsored! I also learned that Compassion is partnering with the company my mom works for to do outreach at stores all around the country. There was some initial confusion because the state was listed incorrectly on the website, and it looked like the event had filled up before I could sign  up to work! But it all got worked out, so in October I will help run a Compassion table at my mom's store. I've already got some of my mom's coworkers involved with Compassion, and I know my mom talks about it with customers  sometimes. It will be fun to set up the table and stake out a place to help others learn about Compassion. I'm also going to try to bring some photos and items from my Tanzania trip! So while the opportunities won't come to pass until this fall, I found out about them this month, and I'm excited. : )

Guest posts!

This month I had the opportunity to guest post on Hannah's blog! Several months ago, right before my trip to Tanzania, I did a post for her, and this was my follow-up! It was fun revisiting the trip and sharing some photos there!


  1. woo hoo! great month for you. Isn't it fun to go back and reflect? Sometimes it might feel like not much is happening, but God is always working and laying blessings at our feet.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love the photos!! And how exciting to have all these upcoming opportunities!!! And thanks for posting on my blog :)

  3. What a great month! First letters are so special, aren't they? :)


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