My Compassion Kids

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Mexico, Tanzania, Brazil and Kenya

It's time for Mail Call Monday once again!! : )

This week I was very excited to get five letters! I feel like there haven't been as many incoming letters lately, so this was a real treat. We heard from Brenda, Patricia, Said, Mary and Victor!

The first letter was from Brenda in Mexico!

Brenda sent a form letter about what she likes best. She shared that her favorite chore is putting away her shoes! Sounds like an easy chore to me- and that would be my favorite kind! Her favorite game is playing with dolls (of course) and she loves playing with her friends- that's her favorite thing about visiting the project! She says she likes her teacher because she teaches well and she plays with the kids- sounds like fun! Brenda's favorite subject is natural science, her favorite place to visit is the park, and her favorite family activity is watching movies. In my response letter I shared that I also like watching movies with my family, and that some of my favorites are kids movies, like the Little Mermaid! Brenda also thanked me again for the gifts I was able to send to her via my friend Mrs K, who was serving as a missionary in Mexico in the winter. Brenda listed her gifts and said she will take good care of them and she will always think of me when she plays with them! I hope that someday Brenda and I are able to play dolls together in person!

Brenda drew the dolly and coloring book I sent to her! 

Next we heard from Said in Tanzania! 

This letter was actually written almost a month after Said and I met in March- but he didn't mention our meeting! I have been waiting to hear what he thought of our visit. Hopefully it will at least get a mention when he receives the pictures I sent him from our special day! I know he had fun, I just think it would  be neat to hear his thoughts on the day. 

In his letter, Said shared that it was the rainy season when he was writing, and people were wearing jackets and sweaters because it was cold. Ha! Cold in Tanzania is a sunny spring day where I live! : ) Said also wrote about Christmas- he said they learned about the birth of Jesus from the book of Luke at the project, and then when he got home from church, he "found the food his mum had prepared." How exciting! I bet there was lots of rice! Then, Said went to visit his family and friends. Ever the artist, Said drew a race car on this letter. I assume he's the driver since he put his name on it! I can't find a translation for the word he wrote on the page, but the translator decided to write "tornado road" on there, which sounds exciting! 

Next came a short letter from Patricia in Brazil! 

Patricia shared that she's doing well both at home and at school. At the time she wrote the letter, she was getting ready for exams. She says that she has lots of fun things at the project and she enjoys seeing her friends there. She signed her letter "Kisses! Patricia" and drew a couple of tiny pairs of kissy lips on there. She's definitely a girly girl! 

Next, a letter from Mary in Kenya! 

Mary always writes the  most wonderful letters. It feels like we've been friends for a very long time! Mary spoke about faith, and said that "prayers without faith cannot move mountains." She knows that I am praying for her and believes that paired with my faith will bring about great things. And she reminded me that she is praying for me as well! Mary says things are going well with her family and at school. She also wrote about my mother in law. Before Denise had her kidney surgery in the spring, I wrote to my kids asking them to pray for her, that the surgery would go well and the cancer would go away. I also sent them a picture of myself and Denise at church. Mary said that Denise is a part of her family as well, and "my family and I believe in the Lord who lives, protector, provider and a great doctor or healer that she will be more healthier than before." Mary says that the letters she receives from us "motivate her attitude" and she's happy because I appreciate her letters as well, and we "learn new ideas from each other!" Mary also said "thank you for the stickers because they make my faith to be completed." At the end of the letter, she said this: 
"I love you Jessi, and I also pray for you and I know that God showers you with much blessings and that he will expand your boundaries. Remember in every success there must be boundaries, valleys, rejection, wind blocks or breaks and even drought." 

As always, when I received a letter from Mary I knew a letter from Victor wasn't far behind! In this case, they arrived on the same day! 

Victors letters are so much fun! Somehow he manages to make them sound full of love and a bit like a business transaction at the same time! He's so polite and well-spoken- he sounds like a professional, even though he's a teenager! Victor says that he and his family are doing very well, and exams are finished at his school and now they're waiting on the last day of school. He says he thinks he did well on the exams- and I believe him! Victor shared that they are receiving a lot of rain where he lives, which is good because it makes the crops grow. "We are happy that soon we will have plenty of food and there will be no more starvation." Victor also said that he's sorry that Denise was sick but he was praying for peace for our family and healing for Denise. Victor also said that he wanted to "appreciate me" for my letters, and that they are an encouragement to him. He said thank you for "always loving" him and he hopes that someday I can come see him and see the "beautiful sceneries!" I pray that I am able to do that, too! I would love so much to visit with him and Mary at the same time! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great letter week!!! Mary and Victor write such detailed letters. What a blessing! I was hoping to hear Said's thoughts you said, maybe after receiving photos of your visit. I know Cissy didn't write about Sherinah's visit until after receiving photos I sent. And Valeria didn't write about my friend Kristen's visit to her until after getting my photos also.


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