My Compassion Kids

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Tanzania

It's Mail Call Monday again!

This week, both of the letters we received were from our little guys in Tanzania, Bonifas and Elisha! They were school updates with report cards attached!

Bonifas' letter says that he's in 2nd grade. His school is 3 km from his house, and he walks there. His uniform is black, his teacher's name is Machina, and his favorite things about school are reading and playing. His favorite subject is math, and after school, he likes to graze his family's cattle. According to his report card, Bonifas is learning personal hygiene, "social trip", word of God, and football at the center. He is doing pretty well in his school subjects as well. He has Cs in history, geography, and English, and Bs in Math and Swahili! 

Elisha is also in 2nd grade. His school is only 1/2 km from his house, and he walks there as well. His uniform is blue and white, and his teacher is named Mary. He likes to study, and hi favorite subject is math. After school, he likes to sweep! Elisha's letter was written about three weeks before I saw him, and he shared that the weather was very rainy where he lived. He also drew pictures of an airplane, a tree, a bus, a mug, and a soccer ball. According to his report card, at the center Elisha is learning the following: cleanliness in general, dental screening, and HIV/AIDS prevention; standard seven motivation ceremony (I don't know what that is, but it's listed under "social"); and under special events, "cluster games competition", Easter camp, and AIDS day are listed. Elisha's making Bs in English and math, and has an A in Swahili! 

I'm so proud of both of these boys! When they grow up, Bonifas wants to be a teacher, and Elisha wants to be a doctor. I hope that I am able to sponsor and write to them for a long time, so I can encourage them to pursue these dreams. I know they can do it!


  1. These are great letters, Jessi! I wish more countries sent out report cards :)

  2. I love hearing their dreams. How neat to hear from them not long after visiting them!!!! They're such fun young guys. I hope you hear from Said soon!!


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