My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Help my friend get to Rwanda!

Earlier today, one of my favorite authors (Jen Hatmaker) posted about the opportunity to win a trip to Rwanda with her and several other storytellers. The trip is with the International Justice Mission (amazing people) and Noonday Collection (their partner, which is one of those awesome opportunities where you can shop for a good cause.) I didn't feel like this was the right opportunity for me, as much as I desperately want to go back to Africa, but I was sooooo excited when I saw my amazing friend Ashley has entered the contest! If you've hung around this blog long enough, you have heard of Ashley- she is mommy to my little buddy Anell! I'm very happy about this, and I want to recruit everyone I know to vote! Voting ends May 28, and at that point the people holding the contest will be narrowing the field down considerably and going from there. So we have two weeks!

You can vote every day! To vote, go check out Ashley's blog post. She has a link there that will take you to her individual voting page, where you can read her story and words of wisdom, and see the most adorable picture of her and my buddy! I love them so much! I know how supportive many people in this community are of sending folks on missions-minded trips. This is a great opportunity and doesn't cost a thing! : )

1 comment:

  1. I saw this announcement on Jones Design Co, too! Excited to vote for a friend of a friend! :)


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