My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Indonesia and Peru

Mail Call Monday is a few hours late! I spent too much time messing with other stuff on here yesterday, and forgot to post about my letters! : )

Last week, I got three envelopes from Compassion on the same day! One had three letters from project directors (Tasya's, Bonifas', and Jayid's), and the other two had letters from Tasya and Mishel!

The first letter I opened was from Tasya in Indonesia!

Tasya shared that she celebrated Christmas at the project on December 12, and she participated in a dance performance. On Christmas Eve, she had a celebration at church, where she and her friends sang. Then on Christmas Day, she went to church, and visited her godparents! I was glad to read about her Christmas plans, because I always share my Christmas itinerary with the kids (and it's always jam packed!) In her second letter, Tasya said she was praying for my grandfather, and she was praying for my brother, who lost his dog last fall. She also shared that her cat passed away, and she was sad about that. I hope that by now, Tasya has maybe been able to get a new pet! My brother has a new dog, and I know that he has helped him feel a lot better about the loss of Wolfie. She then asked that I pray for her upcoming exams. 

The second letter was from Mishel in Peru!

Mishel's letter was also from December, and seemed to be an extra copy of her Christmas letter. It was a lot like another recent letter I received from her, but she added that she and her family cooked pachamanca at home for the holidays! She also drew a pretty picture. All of Mishel's drawings are of mountains, so I'm betting she lives in a mountainous area!

I was also happy to receive letters from our financially sponsored kids' project directors! In the letters, they all shared a bit about what the kids are up to. They mentioned a booklet I saw on my trip to Tanzania- it's called "My Plan for Tomorrow." The kids write about their goals for the future, and the project staff can help them figure out what they need to do to meet those goals. They also reevaluate them every year, because, like all kids, Compassion kids frequently change their minds about what they want to do when they grow up! I know that I've wanted to be a veterinarian, a medical examiner, a chef, a paleontologist, a paleobotanist, and a first grade teacher! The directors also shared prayer requests for the projects. It was great to get those letters from them!

1 comment:

  1. I also love the letters from the project directors!! I feel like they give insight to the community and potential struggles that the kids are going through in ways that don't come through in the letters. Taysa is so sweet!! I loved her letter. And that's great that you learned a little more about Mishel! Also, I love your new blog look at your page with your kids!! I'm glad the page worked :)


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