My Compassion Kids

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Peru

It's Mail Call Monday once again!

This week I was really surprised to get two letters from Carlos in Peru! I had already received a few letters from him recently, and those were dated in December. Usually it just takes about 6 weeks for Carlos and Mishel's letters to get here from Peru, so I think there was a little bit of a back log. The letters I received this week were written in March!

Carlos shared a little more about his birthday, which was in November. He said that he got two shirts with the birthday money we sent, and that his friends gave him a surprise party at his house! He also said that his favorite food is ceviche (which is raw fish that's "cooked" in citrus, it's really yummy) and that his favorite soccer team is Real Madrid. His favorite player is Cristiano Ronaldo, because of how he "dominates the ball." I love learning more about my kids' favorites! Carlos also said that he likes to study history and learn about his forefathers.

I also have some fun outgoing mail this week! I've got two small baggies heading to Honduras for Eduardo and Sandier, thanks to Kim H., who is heading there in May! I got a Spanish Bible, a small journal, some pens and pencils, and a pocketknife for Eduardo, and Sandier is getting a coloring book, pencils, crayons, bubbles, a t-shirt, and some wind-up cars! Both boys are getting bubblegum and Airheads candy, too! I'm really excited to send these things. And a few weeks ago, I got to send two small bags to Carlos and Mishel, too! I can't wait to hear from them and find out what they thought of the gifts I sent!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're able to send so many gifts!! Isn't it so fun?? And what a great letter from Carlos!!! It's so neat that his friends threw him a surprise party!!


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