My Compassion Kids

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Mexico, Peru, and Kenya

It's Monday Mail Call again! I missed two Mondays while I was gone, and there were three letters waiting for me when I got home! Plus I've received two more since I got back last Thursday! So here's what the kids have to say....

I got letters from my Spanish-speaking kids this week (minus Eduardo). The first one I opened was from little Brenda in Mexico!

Brenda's note was all about her friends. She shared that her friends are named Ingrid, Pablo, and Carolina, and Ingrid is her very best friend. Ingrid is special because she shares candies with Brenda! Brenda says that their favorite things to do together are "to trap someone" and "to be the guard at the school." I wonder if that means she's part of some sort of safety patrol team? Brenda says that she met Ingrid at home, and that Ingrid does go to the project with her! She also told me thank you for being her best friend, and asked me to send her some pictures so she can make an album! I am definitely going to be sending her some soon!

The second letter was from Mishel in Peru. 

5 February 2014

Dear sponsor Jessi, 
I greet you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to tell you that I am in good health here along with my family. I am doing well in my studies. I am studying history and citizenship formation. I have learned many things about God like eternal life and how He created this world. The weather where I live is hot. My favorite sport is volleyball. Sponsor, I thank you for the letters and the book you sent me.  How did you celebrate Christmas season and New Year's Eve? When is your birthday? Sponsor, I ask you to pray for my family and for me. I say bye with a big hug and kisses. 

I thought it was neat that Mishel's favorite subjects are history and citizenship formation! I am thinking that's probably like a government class. I wrote to her that those were my favorite subjects in school, too, and while I never played volleyball, my cousin played it a LOT, so I went to a lot of her games!

The third letter was from Carlos in Peru!

Carlos shared that the weather where he lives is hot most of the time, and they don't get any snow. He told me that he's praying for my friend Laura, who lost her daughter in October. He also shared that at the student center, they are learning "all the wonderful things God did for the people of Israel." When I wrote back to Carlos, I told him that we have been learning the same thing in our Bible study group!

The day I got back, I received a letter from Mary in Kenya!

1 March 2014

Dear Jessi, 
How are you? I hope you are fine in God's grace and love. Hope your family, country, and friends are fine. I would like to thank you for your support you have showed me all through. May God expand your territories and shower you with blessings. 
I received the letters and I am very sorry because Brandon's grandfather passed away. I hope the year started well because of God's mercy. I am also glad to read about the weather in your country because I have never seen snow, but due to your care you sent me photos. 
The weather in Kenya is warm and is fair to everyone. I am proud because we won in drama festivals in school. We were competing with lots of school in a play that made even people cry. The play was all about child abuse. Thank you for the book you sent me and even the notebook and may God bless you abundantly. 
My family and I are fine and we are proud of you. I am glad for having such a caring pal. Remember even if we have never met my spirit will be always there to watch over you, to give you comfort, to give you kind heart and also to cheer you. 
Yours sincerely, 

Mary's letters always leave me feeling warm and fuzzy! She is such a kind and caring young woman. I pray that some day I get the chance to meet her! And while the subject matter was really depressing, it was fun to read that Mary participated in her school's drama competition. I did theater in high school too, and I loved it! I wrote about that when I responded to Mary's letter. 

Since Mary's letter arrived on Thursday, I knew a letter from Victor wasn't far behind! His letter arrived on Saturday. 

18 January 2014

Dear Jessi Jones, 
I greet you in the name of Christ who died for our sins hoping that you and your family are all doing well. On my side, our family and I are doing well too. I would like to tell you that we have opened our schools and learning (is) taking place as usual and in this year I want to put more effort so that I can be amongst the top five and I am praying that the almighty God may guide us so that one day we meet and chat a bit moreso about our countries. 
Here in our country, somehow I can tell you that it has improve because government this days employ only educated people who can use government facilities well and that has improved learning institutions because learners are learning with a target. Besides that in some areas farming is taking place because some areas receive rainfall. 
Lastly I want to thank you for your support and the Christmas gift. I bought books which may help me during my learning. And I hope one day I will be grown up person with a kind heart as you do, to take your position in helping others. May God bless you. 
Good bye, 
Your loving son, Victor Otieno

Victor's letters always impress me so much! He is SO smart, and I love his ambition and drive! I am so proud of him. I hope he likes the book on the states that I sent him last month. I bet he just eats it up! I will be on the lookout for more informational books for him, since he loves to learn so much!


  1. I love reading the letters from Mary and Victor... it must be the time for Kenyan letters because I have one on the way too!

  2. What great letters!!! I love that Brenda considers you her best friend. And I'm impressed with how much your Kenyan children write! What fun to have so many letters upon your return.


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