My Compassion Kids

Friday, February 28, 2014

Compassison Joys: February

I'm linking up with Jill at Compassion Family for this month's Compassion Joys post!

 Compassion Family

This month held a lot of very happy Compassion-related stuff!


This month we received two letters from Jayid and Elisha, and one letter each from Brenda and Bonifas!

Tanzania Trip Progress!

This month was pretty good in terms of fundraising for the trip! I was very touched when my grandparents called to say that they had talked to their Sunday school class, and the members had decided to take up a collection and make a donation! I still have a ways to go, but I have made quite a bit of progress over the past two weeks! Also, since the trip is just a week away (wow!) I've received our itinerary, a list of my fellow travelers, and a fun assignment- I'll be leading the arts and crafts team for the VBS day we are going to do at one of the centers! I love arts and crafts, especially doing them with or for kids, so I am very excited about this opportunity!


Patricia celebrated her 13th birthday this month! We are still waiting on a first letter from her, but I've already sent her several letters, including a card and a gift for her birthday!

New Kid!

Just a few days ago, we received a new correspondence child- Sharifa! Sharifa is 10 years old and lives in Bangladesh. She actually just turned 10 on February 1! 

Lost and Found!

On February 20, Compassion called to say that Carlos' financial sponsor had dropped him. It was particularly frustrating because he only has 8 more months in the program- his profile says he is "graduating" on November 1! I asked them to keep him on hold, but I wasn't sure that we would be able to pick up the sponsorship, especially with the expense of my upcoming trip. The next day, I reached out on one of the advocate facebook pages, asking if anyone would possibly want to pick up his sponsorship. Within an hour, I had three responses! Now Carlos is all set up with a new financial sponsor- and I get to keep him as a correspondent! Yay!


This month we got a very special treat- photos of Brenda and Jayid with the gifts I was able to send them at the end of last year! My mother in law took a small University of Kentucky backpack full of gifts and mailed it while in India (those went to Jayid.) Then I was able to send a package to my friend in Mexico, and she then mailed it to the field office for me! Getting extra photos of our kids is always such a huge blessing- it's only happened a few other times! But these are extra special because they show them with the presents we were able to send!

We have had a lot to be thankful for this month- but I think next month will be the best of all! : )


  1. What a good month full of blessings!

    Your trip is so close....exciting!!

  2. Sharifa is so beautiful!! I love her blue dress. And Happy Birthday to Patricia! Extra photos are such a treat also!!

  3. Oh awesome - I am SO glad that Jayid's gift reached him! And how wonderful that Brenda got hers too :) I love the extra photos! Sharifa is beautiful :) I am so happy that your TZ trip fundraising is going well - God is faithful! :)


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