My Compassion Kids

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Compassion Joys: December

Hooray! Time for a Compassion Joys post! Here's some of the fun stuff that we've experienced with our sponsorships this month.

 Compassion Family


This month we received letters from Jayid, Mishel, Carlos, and our first letter from Bonifas! It wasn't a big letter month for us, but I'm so thankful for every letter we receive! Hopefully as the holidays pass us by, we'll see an uptick in letters!  : )

Tanzania Trip Progress! 

The Haiti ornament fundraiser has ended, and I was able to sell 70 out of 150 ornaments! This means we raised $350 for the moms and dads in Haiti who are making crafts to earn a living, plus some for my trip. I also received a super amazing box of stuff from Compassion, including a trip guide and journal, some Compassion gear (like luggage tags, pens, a pouch, etc) and fun stuff like bubbles and stickers for when we get to play with the kids!

Surprise Present Update!

The package I sent to Mexico for Brenda arrived safe and sound! It didn't take too long to get there- I think about two weeks. I'm so thankful to my friend Mrs. K for accepting the package and getting it in the mail to Brenda. The field office in Mexico should have received it by now. Hopefully Brenda will get her dolly and Bible really soon! And Mrs K loved the purple Spanish Bible I sent for her, too, which made me happy.

New Kids!

Well, kid. : ) We now have a new correspondence child in Brazil! It's a lot of fun to get a child in a new country! I had fun reading all the picture books and cookbooks about Brazil from my library. Also, I think Patricia is super cute, and I like the fact that she has the same name as my friend Pat!


  1. What great Compassion joys!!! I love that you were able to send Brenda the gifts. And how neat that you sold 70 ornaments!!! They are beautiful. And it's so neat that both you and the folks in Haiti benefit from the sale. It's always fun to meet a new kid, too. Thanks for sharing!!! I plan to post mine tomorrow :)

  2. I love my ornaments! My favorite is the love one and I plan to keep it out all year.

    Great month for you! Patricia is adorable.


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