My Compassion Kids

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sweet Greetings from Kenya

Mail Call Monday again already?? The time really flies this time of year!!

This week I got a nice letter from Victor!

5 October 2013
Dear Jessi, 
How are you? I hope you are all doing well together with your family. I want to tell you that we have opened our schools and learning is taking place as usual, but during the holidays I was still learning with my colleagues at the centre and I came out with something. 
I want to thank you for the letter you wrote to me, and that letter was so interesting because it teaches me more about your country. Besides that I want to tell you that our capital city called Nairobi was attacked by some robbers and many people were injured while some died and I hope you will pray for our country. 
I also want to thank you for the support you are giving me and I hope when I will be working, I will also do the same to others. 
May God bless you. 
Your lovely son, 

I love Victor's letters! He has expressed such an interest in learning about where I live, and what goes on in the US. I sent him  a letter telling him about our president back in September, and he also got a letter talking about Kentucky wildlife. I will have to keep my eyes peeled for some Kentucky magazines or thin books to send him, along with other information about the United States. It was good to read that Victor enjoys his time at the center and still learns there even when he doesn't have school!

This week I am also doing something fun- I get to send a package to Brenda!!! I'm so excited about it!

My friend Mrs. K. (I went to school with her son, and she was principal of the elementary school at my alma mater for several years) has said yes to God's calling in her life, sold her car and her possessions and took a position with the missions board a few months back. She will be living in Peru, and to the best of my understanding, she'll be helping missionary families best educate their kids- kind of like a homeschool advisor, I guess! Anyway, she is doing some language immersion in Mexico until February. I sent her a message recently asking if she wouldn't mind accepting a package for Brenda and mailing it in-country for me- and she said yes!

I am sending Brenda a really simple gift. She will be getting two presents from us in a nice holiday shopping bag. I was able to get a children's Bible in Spanish for Brenda, and had it imprinted with her name and a little butterfly....

...and, since she is always writing about dolls and drawing pictures of them in her letters, I am sending her a dolly! Can I just say that it is hard to find non-blonde dolls at reasonable prices? I would love to be able to send her a doll that looks Hispanic, but money is kind of tight. I *did* find a pretty brown-haired doll at Toys R Us, though! She's cute! I took her out of the box to make things easier, and before I put her in the bag, and then in the shipping box, I gave her a hug and kissed her on the forehead. : )

I am so thankful for the opportunity to send these things to Brenda! Please join me in praying that they get to their destination on time. Mrs. K is in Mexico until February, and she did some asking around about mail delivery- it can take quite a bit of time for packages and mail to arrive at the post office where she's living because they're up in the mountains. Just pray that the package will get there quickly and unscathed- at least that it arrives in time for her to pick it up and get it back in the mail. : ) I am also sending a surprise for Mrs. K as well! 


  1. Doesn't Monday come around quickly now!! My goodness, time is literally flying past! Those gifts you bought for Brenda are so precious, and I just know they are going to be treasured!

  2. What a sweet letter from Victor!!! I love how much interest he expresses in getting to know you and where you live better! And how he shares such detailed info about current events in his country.

    And those gifts for Brenda are perfect!!!! I know she's going to love them!!!!


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