My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pray for the Philippines

I don't think that anyone with internet access is unaware of supertyphoon Haiyan and the devastation it brought to the Philippines this past week. Half a million people have had to leave their homes. At least a few thousand people have died before the storm. Many others are still unaccounted for. The people who live there are reaching a crisis point when it comes to access to food and clean water. I love the fact that so many people, like celebrities on Twitter, are urging others to donate to relief efforts. Obviously there are some concerns whenever you're about to donate money. You want to be sure you choose a reliable organization to give to. Personally, I think it's best to go with a group that's already established in the country where the crisis has occurred, and one that has a plan for helping people even after their most immediate needs are met. Compassion has been working in the Philippines since the 1970s, so you know they're committed to the people there and that they aren't just going to up and abandon them. Compassion has set up a donation page for their relief efforts. By clicking the picture below, you can learn more about what they're doing to help the people of the Philippines and what their action plan is for dealing with this crisis.

Help Children Affected by Philippines Typhoon 

Another way you can help is to pray. Need specifics? Here are some ways you can pray for the Philippines. 

  • Pray for stamina, speed, and wisdom for government officials (local, state, and national) in the Philippines. Pray for their decision-making and for discernment for them. Pray for the relief workers who are already in the country and those who will be traveling there soon. I can't even begin to imagine how exhausting the work ahead of them is going to be. 
  • Pray for the Compassion staff in the Philippines as they are working to account for all the kids and checking on all the centers. Compassion's centers are church-based. Pray for the congregations and pastors of these churches. 
  • Pray for good things to come out of this recovery period rather than bad things. People can get a little crazy in a disaster like this. Violence can sometimes occur. Looting can be a problem. Pray for the people of the Philippines, that they will have patience and strength and won't give into these temptations. 
  • Pray for the sick and injured, and those whose health will be affected by the storm in the coming weeks. Pray for good health for the survivors, that they will be able to avoid a lot of the health problems that occur after big storms like this. 
  • Pray for comfort and peace for the families and friends of those who have died, and for those who are still waiting to hear from their loved ones. I can't imagine how stressful that must be.
If you've been considering sponsoring a child, now would be an excellent time to do so. Click here to see a list of waiting kids in the Philippines. These children are all in areas that are confirmed to be safe from the storm, but even if they are physically safe and sound, they are probably still scared, worried, and concerned for the people of their country. Your love and encouragement will help these people bounce back from what many believe is the biggest storm in written history.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you shared specific prayer request on your post! Thanks for challenging people to pray and give.


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