My Compassion Kids

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sweet Greetings

It may be late, but it's still Mail Call Monday!! : )

We only got one letter this week- I kept an eye on the mailbox for a long time before I remembered today is a faux holiday! This week's letter is from little Brenda, who likes to be called Brendita. The letter took a while to get here (it was written in June) because it was originally addressed to someone else- I assume her financial sponsor.Oh well!

Dear sponsor, 
I hope you are fine. I'm doing well, thank you so much for thinking of me. When I come to CDI, on Thursdays, I enjoy being here because I sing and have fun. I love the food and sometimes I can take it home. Thank you so much for your gifts. Today I received medical check. I got my teeth fixed and they gave me a brush and tooth paste for my mouth. 
Please pray for my parents. 
I would like to ask you: do you feel scared of Dentist?

I want to thank you for your letters and your prayers, the gifts, candy and toys. 


I get the feeling Brendita really likes food- she has written about it in every letter I've received from her! It's always fun to learn what days our kids attend the projects. I hope some day I'm able to visit Brenda at her center and have a meal with her! Also, it was good to read she's seen the dentist recently! In my reply to her letter I will tell her that yes, I was afraid of the dentist when I was a kid, but now when I see the dentist I pray and think of Bible verses, and that helps me be brave. I'll leave out the fact that I usually have to take a few xanax to get through a visit to the dentist's office. : )


  1. Haha! I did the same thing looking for the mail today! What a sweet letter from Brenda!! I'm so glad that she was able to get a dental check-up...but I understand the being scared. I agree...keep the xanax part out ;) My mom always encouraged us to remember a verse from the Bible when we were scared at the dentist! Maybe you could share a verse that helps you with Brenda!

  2. I remembered I had off school on Monday for Columbus Day, so I got to think the whole weekend about how I wouldn't be getting mail. haha

    Brendita is precious! So cool that you can write to her about the dentist too :) I wonder if adding the "ita/o" is common in Spanish for a nickname. My Eduardo in ES likes to be called Eduardito and his friend's name also has the "ito" ending. Either way, Brendita is cute! :)

    1. I could be completely wrong, but I think the "ita" and "ito" means "little." Like a burrito would actually mean a little donkey, which is silly. Anyway, if I'm right, then it would mean "little Brenda" and "little Eduardo!"

    2. That sounds vaguely familiar. It makes their names all the cuter! :)


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