My Compassion Kids

Monday, August 5, 2013

Oh, Haiti.

I am posting this link for a few reasons. My friend Ashley, mama to an adorable Haitian boy, shared this on facebook earlier today. It's a blog post from some folks who work at the orphanage my buddy used to live at. I'm sharing the story because these people are in desperate need of fervent prayer. I'm also sharing it because most of the people who read this blog are Compassion sponsors, and many of you have sponsor kids in Haiti. We all know about the devastating poverty in this country, and the challenges it presents. But I think that sometimes we forget about the other things going on there, too. Like political unrest. Dark magic and "religious" community members communing with the Enemy himself. Corruption and lawlessness. Violence and desperation. Human rights violations. Deplorable prison conditions.

Please, if you love someone in Haiti, or you care about God's people, take a moment to read this post. Pray for Emilio and his family. Pray for Haiti, as well, that she will experience a great revival and the darkness that grips the country and its people will be cast out.

You should also subscribe to the blog, too, because the author's posts are very moving. She's a tremendous writer!

"Family Prayer Request" from If This Life I Lose

"Family Update"

Thank you, Lord, for protecting Emilio and for these small victories! Folks, this family still needs a great deal of prayer!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying. Isn't it sad to see the corruption in other countries? My dear friends and missionaries in Argentina (who I lived with for the summer) have recently been going through false accusations and people trying to close down their Christian school. It's so sad to see them going through the trial--but I know that God will work all things for good!


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