My Compassion Kids

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kindness, Week Thirty Three

I am still doing my daily acts of kindness, but I am a little slow updating my blog! Here are the acts of kindness for last week, almost in time to share this past week's!

August 13- Made my mom a present. My mom has been pretty stressed out lately. One night I was up late working on my crafts that I'm selling to fund a certain adventure next year (more on that soon!), and I decided to make her something. She really loves the minions from Despicable Me- people save minion kids' meal toys for her, and one year for her birthday I got her a minion t-shirt! So I made her some little minion figurines, and she loved them.

August 14- Met a friend for lunch. This was no ordinary lunch, though. This was the day my sweet friend Amanda arrived from Japan! She is currently serving in Japan as an English teacher, and has been over there for more than a year. Now she is on a little summer break! She got in on this morning and I went over and met her, most of her family, and my mom for lunch.

August 15- Saved another patient from barf smell. This is probably the grossest act of kindness. I had a dentist appointment on this afternoon, and it was late in the day, so I was kind of nervous. I walked over there from work and as soon as I got into the waiting room, a baby (the younger sibling of a child being seen by the dentist) started projectile hurling around the waiting room. Oh my goodness. I will spare you the details of EVERYTHING that happened there that day, but once I got back to the exam room, I thanked the dental assistant for rescuing me from the smell and sounds, and she said "you know, there was another person out there who looked like they were really anxious to get away....if it's ok with you, I'll go get them and stick them in an exam room in the back, even though it's early." And I said go for it. Bleh.

August 16- Stayed at work. So I was unable to get all my dental stuff taken care of the day before...I was getting a crown and it needed some more porcelain, I guess. They said that I could come back the next day, but that would mean I would have to leave work in the middle of the day for a little while. I cleared it with my boss, but then I ended up calling and rescheduling. We were short-handed and it was busy and it was really better for me to stay there that day. I was needed.

August 17- Played nice. Let's just say, for the sake of privacy for all those involved, that I was put in a situation where I had to be around someone who has decided they don't like me all of a sudden. OK, it was a wedding. And there was someone there who has been kind of a brat lately- but I haven't done anything to them. They kept shooting me dirty looks and talking about me in a veiled way in my presence, but I ignored them, instead of telling them they were being really weird and lame. I had several things I wanted to say to this person, mainly "what the heck is your problem", but I just ignored them, and then they went away and sat at a different table. So much for seating charts. Oh well.

August 18- Served at my church. This was the third Sunday of the month, so it was the day that I got to work in the nursery. Normally I work in the "crawler" room, but I asked if I could work in the "crib" room since I have restrictions for a few more weeks. Help was needed, and I didn't want to flake out on them because of my back. Also, serving your church is really important, no matter how  big your church is or how many people are there each weekend. You can be a greeter, help with the bulletin, work tech like Brandon does, work in the nursery, volunteer in the library, or even help pull weeds or vacuum or other cleaning-type things!

August 19- Visited someone at work. I was out running errands on this day, and stopped by a friend's workplace to say hi and give them a hug, since I had seen earlier online that they had a bad weekend and were having a bad day. I don't know about you, but I really like getting visits at work. It makes me feel special, even if it's only for a few moments.

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