My Compassion Kids

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sweet Greetings

On Mondays, blogging Compassion sponsors often post the letters they may have received during the week. I am linking up with Blogging from the Boonies- please check out Michelle's lovely blog and the wonderful Compassion-related resources she posts there.

I was very excited to find two letters in my mailbox on Saturday, especially since I hadn't received any in several weeks! This week we got a letter from Mary, and our first letter from Mishel. 

May 25, 2013
Dear Jessi, 
How are you? I hope you are fine and your family. I even hope that you are doing well in terms of health and job. At school I am doing well. As you know this is the term of music festivals and I know that music is part of me. I am co-operating with the teachers so as to do well in my academics. 
My family and I are all fine. We pray for you each and every day because you are part of us. At church we are doing well. We praise and worship Him because He is the provider of all. I learnt that it is good to be humble before God. My best memory verse is in 1 Timothy 6:12, Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young but be an example for the believers in speech, conduct, faith, love, and purity. 
During the April holiday, we went for a camp at Kamatusa Girls High School. We were taught about God's word and it was very encouraging. I learnt many things like it is better to listen more than to talk much. 
I received the letter that you sent for me. I am glad that you are now feeling well. In our country now the weather is calm. Thank you for the stickers. Our country is well and the land is green. I would like you to pray for our country, me, my family, and the people at the hospital. 
Yours faithful, 

Mary writes great letters! I think it's so cool that she was able to go to camp at the girls' high school. It sounds like the senior retreat I went on at the beginning of my senior year! It also made me very happy to read that Mary considers me a part of her family!

And here is Mishel's letter, along with the drawing she made: 

26 June 2013
Dear sponsor Jessi, 
I greet you with much affection. I want to tell you that I am fine and so is my family. I am doing very well at school. I have many friends and we play volleyball with other friends who live near my home. We jump rope, but I do not neglect my homework. Are you married? What do you study or work? I would like you to pray for my family. I will be praying for you. I say goodbye with many kisses and hugs. Can you send me photos? 

Mishel Estefani

It sounds like Mishel has a lot of fun with her friends! I'm looking forward to getting to know her better. It's always exciting to get a first letter- I feel an instant connection and a big surge of love for my sponsor kids when I first hear from them!

Then this morning I found a letter from Victor in my mailbox!

25 May 2013

Dear Jessi, 
I greet you in the name of Christ who died for us hoping that you and your family are fine. Our family and I are farming on well, my parents are doing their best in the garden and I am also working hard in school to have a better grade at the end of second study level. 
I am happy to hear that you can now go to work after the surgery you have gone through and I am praying that God may guide and protect so you may continue with your work and continue showing love to me. 
Here in our country we experience a lot of rain from March, especially in our area and many people are planting crops while others are weeding their crops. The crops we grow are maize, sorghum, fruits and watermelon. I like fruits because they are protecting my body against diseases. 
I am very happy for your cousin whom God has blessed with a child and I know that he will be happy to know what God has done for him. I also believe that in some years to come I will be having children and I will care for them as you and my parents have done to me. 
I thank you for the gift you send for me and it helped me a lot because I used it to buy some school items like set books and I enjoy reading them in my free time. May God bless you. 
Your beloved child, 
Victor Otieno

What a great letter! Victor is such a friendly and sweet kid. I'm glad he told me about the crops his family has planted. I will write to him soon about my parents' garden! 


  1. What great letters! I love how Mary says that music "is a part of her"... I feel the same way! It's good to hear that Mishel isn't neglecting her studies :) And can I just say, Victor sounds like he will be an AWESOME father one day!!

  2. I love how long Mary's and Victor's letters are!! I especially enjoyed how Mary shared all about what she was learning about God and when Victor said that he likes fruits because they protect his body against disease. What a cute drawing from Mishel and I love all her questions!! It looks like she'll be a fun correspondent!


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