My Compassion Kids

Monday, July 8, 2013

Kindness, Week Twenty Seven

Here are this week's acts of kindness!

July 2- Donated to help homeless pets. My mom and I went to PetSmart on this day, and at check out, the cashier asked if I wanted to donate to their organization that helps take in homeless pets and find them new owners. Of course I said yes. I also got some treats for my pets on this day, so that was an act of kindness, too! : )

July 3- Spoke up at work. I won't go into too many details, but we have something a little out of the ordinary going on at work right now, and it puts a very heavy, rather unfair burden on some of our employees. So on this day, I met with my boss and talked to him about it. Hopefully something good will come of it and we will be able to work something out so this event goes a little more smoothly for the next few weeks.

July 4- Did a FREE Kiva loan! This one was very exciting. I love Kiva, the microloan organization, but I never have any extra money to give (like, when I do have the money, it has to go somewhere else, and then when I'm actually thinking about Kiva, we are broke.) Michelle at Blogging from the Boonies posted a link on facebook for a free trial from Kiva, so people can get the hang of it. As long as you don't already have a Kiva account, you can follow this link and you'll get a FREE $25 to donate to the group of your choice. You can search by country or subject (like education, retail, health, etc.) That money will go toward a microloan for someone who needs it, whether they're starting a business to support their family, raising funds for schooling, or many other causes. The loan gets repaid, and eventually, you get your money back! You can either keep it or reinvest it in another microloan. In this free trial scenario, the money will go back to the person who put up the donation for this promotion- and they can get more people to try Kiva! This was a very easy and awesome opportunity to make a big difference.

July 5- Toughed it out. Sometimes an act of kindness can be to live out your day as planned, because that's the best thing for everybody else and it's the nice thing to do. This day was MISERABLE. I worked a full day. We were insanely busy- about every 60-90 minutes we had the opportunity to sit down and fake cry, the day was so lame. By the early afternoon, I felt awful. My back was hurting, I had to step away to fix my brace several times because it was causing me extra strain (and every time I had to step away, what seemed like a hundred more people came up to the desk in my wake.) It was just awful. Words cannot describe how bad it was. I really needed to go home, and probably should have asked to do so, but I stayed because I knew it would be impossible to get any coverage from other branches and I would be putting my coworkers in an awfully tough spot if I left. So I stayed, and when I get home, I crashed HARD. But I think I did the right thing by staying.

July 6- Went shopping. I don't see my dad super frequently. He doesn't get on facebook and only recently has started texting. I talk to my mom a lot, and see her at Bible study, and sometimes I think he gets bummed out that I'm not around him as much since I got married and moved out. I had to do some shopping for some wedding presents this weekend. My dad loves shopping, getting out of the house, and driving around town, so I asked him if he'd take me. We had a good time!

July 7- Apologized. Sometimes it's nice to apologize even if we haven't done anything wrong. Someone said something this weekend that led me to believe someone else was upset with me, and I was definitely not ok with that, so I sent a big email apologizing if this person had felt wronged in any way. I actually got really upset about it, because I didn't want this person to be upset with me. I heard back from them and it turns out, the first person had apparently spoken out of turn- my friend wasn't upset with me at all. I guess the second act of kindness was not sending an angry text to the person who set this whole thing in motion, because I definitely typed up a few. But I deleted each one before sending it, chalked it up to a big misunderstanding, and quietly moved on.

July 8- Bought school supplies. This morning was grocery morning, and I was very excited to see that Walmart has finally put out this year's school supplies. I haven't been in school for quite a while, but I love school supply shopping! This time of year is excellent for buying all kinds of stuff. You simply can't beat the prices this time of year, and there are so many people who can benefit from your bargain shopping! I got some stuff for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. I got some notebooks to put up for future Bible studies.  I got some sets of teeny tiny composition notebooks to send to my sponsor kids- I have to measure them but I am pretty sure they are right under a quarter inch thick. If they're a little too big, they would make perfect Bible verse notebooks, like the one I carry for anxious moments. Lastly, I got some stuff for a school supply drive they're having at church. For $5 you can buy quite a bit of stuff this time of year. Spiral-bound notebooks are only 17 cents each at my Walmart, and folders are 12 cents. Kid scissors are 50 cents regular price, but they will go on sale from time to time until about mid-August. Boxes of Crayola crayons (the only crayons I'll use or even consider buying) are really inexpensive, and other brands are even cheaper. Anyway, school supply shopping is a lot of fun, and there are tons of organizations that need them. This is an easy and inexpensive act of kindness!

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