My Compassion Kids

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A request..

I know I have a few regular readers on here, and several people stumble across my blog while looking for info about Compassion, which is awesome. I love having virtual visitors! Because I know many of you love Jesus and don't mind praying, I would like to ask you to pray for a friend of mine.

I have mentioned my friend Ashley on my blog several times, and have linked up to her blog in the past. She isn't posting much now because of the sensitive nature of the things she would be posting about- she and her husband Scott are in the final stages of adopting a little boy from Haiti. And by final stages, I mean that they should be able to get him very soon.

When I tell people about this family, I refer to this child as "my buddy", because I love him so much even though I have never met him, and he is not my child so I have no right to share his name with others. Once he comes home, though, you can bet I'll be talking about him all the time! : ) Would you join me in praying for my buddy, and his new mom and dad? His birthday is near the end of this month. His birthday is also Scott and Ashley's wedding anniversary. And Ashley's birthday is next week, too! What better anniversary present than being with their son on his birthday? What better birthday present than to meet his new mama and daddy? Please join me in praying that the travel arrangements will all work out so that they can be with their boy on his birthday, even if he isn't quite home by then. Pray for the other precious children at his orphanage, that they will either be reunited with their birth families or that they will find "forever families" by adoption soon. Pray that they will stay healthy in Haiti, a country with so many, many health problems. Pray that my little buddy will ease into his new home well, that he will grow up healthy and strong (he is teeny tiny right now!)

Thank you so much for your prayers, friends. I hope that by next month I will have some fun "welcome home" airport pics (or even a video) to share with you, with Ashley's permission of course! I am so thankful that this little guy is in the final stages of coming home!!!!!


  1. Praying!!! That is so awesome, and of course, I am excited too because he lives near one of my Compassion girls :)


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