My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Monster Jones passed away yesterday at the ripe old age of 3 years and almost 2 months.

Monster was born in the city of Jeffersontown on tax day, April 15, 2010, just in time to be a birthday present for her adoptive mommy. She and her sister Quincy joined the Jones household on May 15. Monster, named for Lady Gaga and not her interesting appearance as many may have believed, was adventurous from the start. Her parents have virtually no good pictures of her as a baby because she never sat still. While her sister Quincy was content to sit and be cuddled, Monster was always out exploring, climbing on bookcases, windowsills, and her daddy's shoulder. She was definitely a daddy's girl. She used to love to "wrestle" with Brandon (his hand, anyway), pretend fighting it and running around in glee. Monster was well-loved by her younger sisters Cupcake and Glitter, who often used her as a pillow.

Monster loved life, and life was good to her. She lived much longer than most rats, and even though these last six months she had problems with tumors and other random health issues, she never let them bring her down. She always acted happy to see visitors, got along well with her new neighbor Gimli, and would always, always stop to give you a kiss. Her family will miss her terribly.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Monster's passing. I had a rat when I was a middle-schooler and Little Gem was such a precious pet!! I cried so hard when she passed. Rats are amazing pets!! It's nice to find another person who agrees with me :)


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