My Compassion Kids

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sweet Greetings

On Mondays, blogging Compassion sponsors often post the letters they may have received during the week. I am linking up with Blogging from the Boonies- please check out Michelle's lovely blog and the wonderful Compassion-related resources she posts there.

I feel like I haven't received many letters lately, but I had three of them waiting for me when I got home on Saturday! And each of them had a little something extra!

The first letter I opened was from Jayid in India. I haven't heard from Jayid in a while, so it was nice to get this letter! It was a form letter about his week, and he included a very mysterious drawing with it. 

After waking up in the morning, my routine is: 
Jayid says, I awake at morning 7 o'clock. After rise they can go to field area for freshing his body. 

My school starts at
10:00 AM

I have school
6 days a week

My favorite day of the week is Sunday because on this day, he can enjoy fully because this is holiday. So,h e can playing full day with his friends. 

Things I like to do on weekends: 
He likes to went to croplands for walking with his friends

Through the week, I help my family with: 
He like Sunday holiday because he can help his mother full day

Dear sponsor, 
He is well here and we hope for you as same. He is doing well here. He can give thanks for your sending letters and gifts. You are saying about tiger so he also says our teacher can studied about tiger. My teachers say in our state highest tiger are living. Please remember him in your daily prayer. 

I had written to Jayid before saying I knew that tigers lived in India, and I sent him a picture I took of a tiger at our local zoo. It's cool that he wrote back about the tigers in his area!

The second letter I opened was from Said. He covered the letter with some of theses holofoil dolphin stickers I sent him last year. He even included a drawing!

Dear Jessi
Jessi, I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus. I hope you are doing well. We are also doing fine here and we thank God so much. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for the letters you sent to me. The weather condition here is cold. Sorry for the operation you went through, may God heal you. I am doing well in my studies at school and at the centre to learn the word of God. 
Thank you for the picture of your [cousin] and a nice picture of a lion and your picture too. I am very happy and may God bless you. I love you. 

The third letter was from Mary. It's such a special letter, for several reasons. I really love the things Mary has to say- she is such a sweet girl and I love how personal her letters are. The really exciting things were stapled to the letter- two pictures. It's very rare to receive extra pictures with letters, as many child development centers don't have regular access to cameras. With this letter I received a picture of Mary, and a picture of her mother. I have never seen any of my sponsor kids' moms before, or any of their other relatives. This is a rare gift!!!

Dear Jessi, 
How are you? I hope you are fine and your family, too. I am fine and doing great. When I go back to school in 2nd term I am going to participate in folk dance, choir, and a set verse and I hope we will go to the next level. My family is fine and they are also doing great. My family and I are praying for you that He will shower you with blessings. 
Our country is fine and green but the weather is cold and rainy. We have our 6th president and hope that he will do great to our country. I have read the story of Paul and it is wonderful and it is more encouraging in our life today. I received the stickers and the photos. It is wonderful and it is more encouraging in our life today knowing each other even if we can't meet and they are beautiful. I am glad that I can be able to see you even it's beautiful looking at your city and it looks like paradise. 
I like socializing with my friends and also hanging out. We also talk about the challenges in life that encourage us. Yes, I like reading, especially reading novels. The current novel that I have read is encouraging "Double Cross and the Child of the Rainbow." The Bible is one of my best books in life that encourages and gives hopes. 
Thank you for the gift that you sent me, it's great knowing that there is someone who cares for me. I used the birthday gift for my school fees and the family gift we used it to purchase firewood for sale and they have really benefited my family. May the Great God shower you with blessings. 
Yours lovely, 

Mary's financial sponsor is actually a foundation (I know this because my first letter from her was addressed to the foundation accidentally!) I am so thankful that they were able to provide her with such a generous family gift. She and her family used it to purchase firewood to sell in their community. Here are the pictures included with the letter. 

Mary, with her family's firewood

Mary's mom

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! How exciting to receive 3 letters--and one with 2 photos!! I love how you were able to learn about Jayid's daily life and how he mentioned the tigers! And what a cute drawing...I don't know what it is, but it's cute. I'm impressed with Said's drawing...and how sweet of him to use the stickers you sent to decorate his letter for you!! What a treat to receive 2 photos of Mary!!! I love seeing my kids parents!! It's a rare blessing. And what a great letter she wrote! My husband also loves the story of Paul. She sounds like an avid reader! Thanks for sharing all your letters!


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