My Compassion Kids

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Greetings

On Mondays, blogging Compassion sponsors often post the letters they may have received during the week. I am linking up with Blogging from the Boonies- please check out Michelle's lovely blog and the wonderful Compassion-related resources she posts there.

It was another good week for letters! This week I got letters from my two oldest boys. The first was from Victor in Kenya. 

26 March 2013

Dear Jessi, 
How are you? I hope you are doing well with your family. Here we are also doing well. In fact, the last two weeks we elect our leaders and the election was conducted peacefully. What about your country? Here in our nation it is rainy in some parts especially where I live. Even other people have started planting their crops and I hope they will do well. What about your country? 
I want to inform you that I have started a beginning schooling in secondary school and I hope I will receive something at the end. I will make it if you and me are praying for each other. 
I'm praying for you so God may guide and treat you with his hands so you may continue working. Even I'm praying for your parents. Remember to greet for me your parents and husband. May God bless you. Goodbye!

Your beloved child, 
Victor Otieno

Wow, Victor's letters arrive really quickly! His last one was dated March 18 and I received it almost exactly 1 month after he wrote it. This letter arrived on April 25! I love the fact that Victor says he will do well in school because we are praying for each other. I pray for my kids every day, and it is nice to know that Victor is praying for me, too. And he is even praying for my parents! : )

The next letter I received was from Said in Tanzania. 

Dear Jessi, 
Praise the Lord Jesus. I hope you are fine. I and my family are fine. How are you? I hope you and your family are fine and in good health. On Christmas holiday, we celebrated well. In the morning, I went to the church and in the afternoon I wore my new clothes and went to visit my grandmother who lives in Kilosa. How did you celebrate Christmas holiday? I like to play football so much. Which is your favorite game? Thank you for your nice letters you sent to me I liked them very much. I pray for you that God will keep and bless you in all your activities. I ask you to pray for me on my studies. I am happy I passed my exams. 
Good bye and God bless you so much. 


I hadn't heard from Said in a while (since the letter writing process changed, I get fewer letters from this sweet boy) so it was nice to get this letter from him! I like to read about Said's visits to his grandmother. He and his mom also help her with her planting and harvesting after they take care of their own crops each year.  And I like the random mention of his love for football (soccer.) I'm going to have to find him some soccer-themed goodies to send soon!

I can't wait to see what this week holds, letter-wise. I am hoping to get our introductory letter from Brenda in Mexico soon, since she's been getting letters from us since January! 


  1. Great letters!!! I love that Victor said he'll pass secondary school if both of you are praying for him!! And that's neat how he asked you about rain and planting crops here! I like how Said shared that he wore his new clothes to his grandmother's for Christmas. And all his questions for you! I'm so happy that you're receiving more letters!!

    1. Said is such a good grandson- I hope I get to meet his grandma if I ever get to visit him!

  2. I have to admit, I read Victor's letter out loud to my Mom, and both of us started crying (and laughing at each other) at the line, "I will make it if you and me are praying for each other." Honestly, what a beautiful thing to say!


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