My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kindness, Week 12

I got my days a little mixed up, so this post is a day later than usual. Oops! Anyway, here are this week's acts of kindness.

March 19: Sent an "I'm Proud of You" card. My friend Blaire led our Bible study on this night, and she did a really good job. I wanted to let her know that I thought so, so I sent her a card! Technically it didn't go in the mail until the next day, but I wrote it tonight. : )

March 20: Let others go first. Everywhere I went on this day, I let others go first, like at the stop sign. I let people pass or pull out in front of me on the road (like, if I was approaching a red light and someone was waiting to pull out onto the road, I let them go first.) I HATE being on the other end of that kind of situation, so I was glad to "pay it forward." And hey, it's not like I was in a hurry to be anywhere. Being first in line, or going first, isn't really something to stress about!

March 21: Paid someone's library fines. Actually, it wasn't just "someone", but my mom. Brandon took me by the library on this day, and my mom has exceeded the maximum fine (it happens to all of us sometimes, so I don't feel bad sharing this with you!) Really it's sort of my fault, because if I was working, I would keep an eye on her card and make sure things got renewed on time. But I'm not at work, so she got a late fee, and I forked over the cash I had to help pay it down.

March 22: Registered to be a Compassion Advocate. I had been putting this off for a long time, because of some anxiety issues and not really knowing what was involved (and being afraid of what would be required of me!) But I stepped out in faith and submitted my application on this day. I did my little phone interview thingie on Monday morning, and "Bob", the Compassion guy, was super nice and told me he was so excited that I was on fire for this ministry and he was really looking forward to seeing how God would use me to further Compassion's mission. I'm really excited about this one! : )

March 23: Gave a dollar to this week's family on Give 1 Save 1 Africa. OK, somewhere along the way, someone told me about this really cool adoption blog where a family is featured each week, and people can donate via paypal to their adoption fund. A lot of times they can get matching grants for the funds donated. Anyway, the blog owners also post really neat stuff like Etsy shops benefiting international adoption in Africa. I don't remember where I heard about it, but I'm so glad I did! It's so cool! I hope to make giving through this website a regular thing! Give it a look!

March 24: Made Easter packets for my Compassion kids. They're going to be late (oops) but hey, it's the thought that counts. Hand-writing and labeling stuff for all my kids takes a looooong time (the card, envelope, and any extras ALL get labeled with my sponsor info and their info.) I try to send hand-written letters or cards every couple of weeks- they may take time (and postage), but they're worth it!

March 25: Made a thank you card for my dentist. Dentists don't get a lot of thank you cards, I think. I saw my oral surgeon on this day for my pathology report from my wisdom teeth removal (it took like 2 minutes, and everything was fine.) I really appreciate how kind and friendly Dr. Warren was, but his whole staff was super nice, too! I was pretty drugged up when I went in for my surgery on the 15th (thank you, Xanax) but this one assistant in particular was so friendly and made me laugh. The card hasn't gone in the mail yet (my stamps have been misplaced) but I am going to the post office on Thursday, so if I don't find my stamps tomorrow, I'll throw it in there with the rest of the stuff I'm mailing. : )

So that's what I've been up to this past week! I can tell you that today's act of kindness was super fun, but I can't tell you what it was until next week. :  ) So be sure to check back for my next kindness report!


  1. Oh, don't leave me in suspense! ;)

    I finally got around to printing Avery labels for all my kids. It's going to save me a LOT of time. I didn't know if you had thought of that or not, so I thought I would put it out there :)

    1. I have some Avery labels for sticking on stuff (like if I'm sending something difficult to write on), but they're the tiny sheets that I can't print on. Maybe some day I'll get around to buying some printable labels! : )


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