My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jayid and Brenda are growing up!

Gah! I'm so excited! I logged onto my Compassion account earlier to see if there were any kids at the same projects where my kids go (so I could share their info with friends.) When I logged on, I discovered that both my youngest kids' pictures have been updated! Here are the pictures from the website (I'll update this again when I receive the new pictures in the mail and scan them into my computer- they'll be a bit better resolution.)

So here's Jayid's old picture, from early 2012, when he was six years old:

And here is his new picture, at almost 8!

I love the tie! So adorable!

Here is Brenda's older picture, which we received when we began writing to her about three months ago (she's probably 4 or just barely 5 here):

And here is her new picture! Brenda will be 6 in October:

I'm a little sad she's not smiling in this picture, but I just can't believe how much older she looks! Oh my goodness! What a beautiful little girl. 

I can't wait to get the new pictures in the mail so I can hang them up on my wall!!


  1. Wow!! They look so much older!!! Great photo updates!!!!

    1. I can't get over how old they look! Especially Brenda!

  2. Oh, so exciting!! :) I don't know if you know or not, but you can e-mail Compassion for the high resolution photos. Both Jayid and Brenda have grown up so much!

    1. Literally my only less-than-satisfactory interaction with a member of Compassion staff was the day two years ago when I called them and said that multiple bloggers and people on Our Compassion had said I could get those high-res photos emailed to me, and I politely asked if I could get them, as well. I was told by a curt lady that that was impossible and they don't do such a thing. After that I decided not to bother them any more about it, and I usually just wait until my printed copy comes in the mail. I may try emailing them, though. Thanks!

    2. Oh. I always e-mail for photos. You can get the current and previous photo. Hope it works out for you! :)

  3. Yay for updated photos - it's always such a joy to see how much they have grown!


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