My Compassion Kids

Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy Birthday, Joane!

Today is my sweet Joane's birthday! Joane is our sponsor child in Haiti. She is 17 years old today.

We have been writing to Joane for about two years now. She doesn't get the chance to write often, because of all her responsibilities with her family and school, but she is such a sweet girl! I sent her a birthday card and a bunch of stickers two months ago in the hopes that they would arrive in time for her birthday. I hope she had a wonderful day today!


  1. I bet she had a great day just knowing that someone across the world loves her! I hope she had a very happy birthday too!!

    I just wanted you to know that you received an award. Please go here to read more-

  2. Happy Birthday Joane!! She's a beautiful young lady!


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