My Compassion Kids

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sweet Greetings

On Mondays, blogging Compassion sponsors often post the letters they may have received during the week. I am linking up with Blogging from the Boonies- please check out Michelle's lovely blog and the wonderful Compassion-related resources she posts there.

This week we got two form letters from Jayid in India!

Jayid was my correspondence sponsor child before his financial sponsor dropped him and we, after prayerful consideration, decided to take him on as a financial commitment with Compassion. Between that and the recent changes to Compassion's letter-writing program, we accidentally got a repeat of some of Jayid's letters. We got another copy of the "My Community" form letter (which had a personal message and a lovely drawing) and another copy of the "My First Letter" form, which we first received about a year ago! This one also had a very short message about Jayid's community in Madhya Pradesh. The grown-up at the center who helped Jayid write his letter said that everyone in their community are Muslims, and that they all celebrate the holiday Eid-al Fitr together. I don't know if Jayid's family practice Islam, but he has mentioned in the past that his favorite song is "Telephone to Jesus" and he likes the Bible stories at the center. 

Here are Jayid's newest drawings:

And here's a Youtube video of some precious Indian kids singing Jayid's favorite song!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful drawings!! He's quite the artist!! That's so neat that you guys picked up his sponsorship. That's kind of too bad that there's been a repeat of letters. When I was single, my then-boyfriend (now-husband!) picked up one of my correspondence kids when his sponsor dropped him...and there was a repeat of the intro letters. And then when we got married, we combined our accounts and went through a 3rd set of intro letters! But we loved all the drawings just the same! That's so neat that you found his favorite song!! And at least he's getting teaching about God even if his family is Muslim.


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