My Compassion Kids

Friday, February 1, 2013

February Letter Topics

Having trouble finding the motivation to write letters? Here are some letter ideas for February.

  1. Valentine's Day. I send my kids Valentine's cards every year. I simply explain to them that Valentine's Day is a holiday on February 14th, and it celebrates love. I tell them that it is a good time to remind our friends that we love them. Our sponsor kids ALWAYS love to hear that they are loved- and sending a cute card is a fun way to do that! You can also tell your child about the Valentine's tradition of sharing cards with classmates. 
  2. Siblings. My brother's birthday is in February (he will be turning 21 this year, which is just disturbing.) If you have siblings, you could write to your sponsor child about them. Share their birthdays. Tell your sponsor child about a funny family memory. Ask about your sponsor child's siblings. How do they play together? Do they get along? Sometimes sponsor kids share stories about bickering with their siblings- just like any American kids. Tell your sponsor child that it is important to share with his brothers and sisters, and tell him that you are praying for them, that they will be good friends and grow up well together. 
  3. President's Day. Tell your child about this American holiday. Share with him or her that President's Day takes place in February to honor two of our presidents who were born in February- George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. You don't have to write a history report, but you could tell your child that Washington was our first president, and Lincoln is admired because he ended slavery in the United States. Ask your child if there is a similar holiday in his or her country- many countries have holidays celebrating their presidents or other leaders. 
  4. Pets.  A lot of people I know have been talking about pets lately. A friend of mine recently got a new puppy after losing her beloved dog last fall.  My mom has been thinking about puppies a lot lately. I don't know what it is, but there has been a lot of pet talk around me recently. Do you have any pets? Tell your sponsor child about them! Send pictures, either printed off or via the online letter writing tool. Did you have a pet as a child? Write to your sponsor child about your favorite childhood pet. Was there a pet you always wanted (or still want) that it would be completely impractical to own? It would be fun to discuss the possibilities with your sponsor child. Ask him "if you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?" 
  5. Your spiritual walk. What is your congregation studying in church? Have you learned a new Bible verse recently? What has God revealed to you lately through His Word? My Bible study group very recently started our newest study together. I have enjoyed writing to my kids about Bible studies in the past. For example, when we did Francis Chan's Remembering the Forgotten God, I wrote to my kids about the Holy Spirit. I told them how I would be learning more about the Holy Spirit with this study. I said that many American churches do not talk about the Spirit very often. I asked them if they learn about the Holy Spirit in church. Joane wrote back that yes, she learns about the Holy Spirit, and she received it well. Tasya wrote the following: 
In church, the Holy Spirit is very important as Holy Spirit is one in Father and Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit is source of my strength. He teaches and gives me inspirations to know God deeper. Holy Spirit also strengthens us in doing our daily work and serving God's work. These knowledge about Holy Spirit are thought by my father (he is a pastor.)

I hope that these ideas have inspired you to write to your sponsor child at least once this month!

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