My Compassion Kids

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sweet Greetings, a bit early

I will miss Monday Mail Call next week, as I am having my surgery on Monday and will not be awake, much less able to get on the computer! I got a letter today, though, and I wanted to go ahead and share it because it came with such a lovely drawing.

Today I got a letter from our Jayid in India.

This was the first correspondence I have received from a sponsor kid written on Compassion's new form letters (I have, of course, received the "getting to know you" forms for almost all of my kids in the past.) The form is "My Community." Jayid tells us that people in his community are labor workers, and rickshaws and bicycles are common forms of transportation. He says that most people speak Hindi or "Bundelkhandi", and men wear "paint shirts" and women wear saris. He says the weather is hot and rainy, and what he likes most about his community is "culture programme and teamwork." On the back, a staff member wrote this message: 

Dear Jessi, 
He is fine here. How are you? He saying so much thank you for your sticker and card. he is very glad for all this. He is saying that he never go to zoo. Here weather is cold now. He says that zoo is 400 km far away. He want to visit zoo. Pray for Jayid.

Jayid also sent a really fantastic drawing of his community! I absolutely love it. I see he included a peacock and some other animals. He even made the sun smile!

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