My Compassion Kids

Monday, January 7, 2013

Black lung

I don't really have the black lung, but I am coughing a lot and yesterday my wimpy little coughs were reminding me of that one scene in Zoolander. They're worse now. My coughs, I mean.

I have tried really hard to stay healthy before my surgery, despite the fact that I work at a germ farm (aka, a public library) and despite the fact that my coworker who has no concept of personal space came to work sick last week. And yet, here I am, sick. I missed church yesterday, which was depressing. I missed Brandon's first basketball game of the season, which was extra depressing because after my surgery, I will not be able to go to almost any of the games (the gym is full of the world's most uncomfortable folding chairs. Even without being recently operated on, I have trouble sitting in those chairs.) And my surgery is one week from today. I am worried that it will be delayed because I am sick. And I'm worried that if it's not delayed, I will end up even sicker because of hospital germs and the fact that I will be reclining a lot.

So I am asking my friends to please pray for me, that I will get over this bug extremely quickly, and that my surgery will go on as planned and without incident. I know I just have a cold or a sinus infection or whatever it is, but I already have so much stress surrounding me right now- I don't need any physical complications along with that. And I still have to work this week- I can't stay home and rest, trying to get better. I thank you in advance for your prayers!

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