My Compassion Kids

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Raspberry brownies, Cookie dough truffles, and two kinds of fudge, in case you were wondering.

Last night I had my annual Christmas party with my friends. We only get together twice a year (once for my birthday, once for Christmas) and I look forward to both occasions with a lot of excitement and a bit of a nervous tummy. We had our party at my house this year, since I have my own house. We had a nice dinner of KFC and waaaaay too much dessert, and did a secret ornament exchange. I always like to get weird ornaments, because I am a weird person. Last year, for example, I bought a Santa riding a raccoon- which implies that Santa is either very small or he has a giant mutant raccoon. Either way, win! This year, I found a blown glass warthog wearing boxing gloves, a champion's belt, the whole bit. I don't understand it, but I knew I needed to buy it. My friend Lauren drew that one, and everyone thought it was funny. I drew my friend Sarah's ornament, which just happened to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I just about died. I love dinosaurs. My friends know this. If someone else had drawn that one, I probably would have tried to trade. He has weird rubbery skin, too, so it's fun to touch. Like touching a real T Rex, but less dangerous.

At the end of the evening, we always try to get some pictures together- one serious and smiley, one silly and fun. We couldn't decide what kind of silly picture to take, and then I remembered- "we are in my house. I have lightsabers." I only found two in my frantic search, but I also rounded up a ninja sword and some Pokemon equipment. So there you have it. And I also needed to get a picture with my best friend Kelli, since Brandon messed up the one he took at my birthday party earlier in the year (he zoomed in on my elbow and I didn't find out about it til everyone went home.)

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