My Compassion Kids

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Not a creature was stirring, except for the rats.

Belated Merry Christmas, everyone! Our holiday was extremely busy, as both Brandon and I have lots of family that lives in town. We had a good time, though, and were very happy to see everyone. It was nice to actually feel Christmas-y this year. Last year we didn't put our decorations out because we were preparing to close on our house, and we spent all day (until about 4 pm) on Christmas Eve moving in! The family festivities were kind of a blur because of everything that was going on at the time.

This year, though, I got to take time to enjoy everything. I hosted my group of friends' annual ornament exchange at my home, which was a nice evening. I also cooked Christmas breakfast for my family (my parents, my brother, and my grandparents)- and even wore heels and an apron. Picture of domesticity, right there. We had a good time visiting three sets of grandparents, attending an open house, and eating lots of yummy food.

I made stockings for our pets this year, and we tried to take pictures of them opening their little gifts (two dog cookies and a rawhide chewy each), but they were excited and fast, and having a photo session proved a bit difficult at times. Never the less, here are our fur-kids opening their Christmas presents!

Monster's stocking

Monster was more interested in her stocking than the contents. We had to empty it out for her. 

Monster grabbed a cookie and ran to her cage to eat it, but we had shut the door so the other little beeps wouldn't bother her!

Glitter's stocking

Glitter sniffed her stocking and ran away. She was afraid of it!

While Brandon chased Glitter down, I watched Monster try to eat the frosting off her cookie. We put her in a box so she couldn't hide her presents around the room. 

Brandon caught Glitter and tried to get her to chill out long enough to look at her stocking stuff. 

Cupcake's stocking. We gave up on Glitter. 

Cupcake immediately grabbed a cookie and ran, very fast. 

She ran into the cage, backed into her igloo and tried to take her cookie with her!

Cupcake checks out her rawhide candy cane. Merry Christmas!

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