My Compassion Kids

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reading Challenge

I am a big fan of a website called Goodreads. It's got a social networking aspect to it (your friends can see what you've read, and you can share book recommendations), but the best part is the ability to keep track of what you've read and what you want to read. The site will even make recommendations for you based on your "currently reading", "to-read" and "read" shelves, plus whatever topics you tell it you like. You can rate the books, too, and write reviews for them. They also host giveaways from publishers to encourage people to write reviews for new releases (or copies that haven't been put on sale yet.)

Anyway, on the Goodreads home page, there is a spot where you can set a reading goal for the year. You type in the number of books you want to read for the year, and as you read them (by marking them as read on the website) it keeps track of your progress.

This year I set a goal to read 750 books in 2012. I set a high goal because I read a lot of cookbooks and children's books. If I only read novels, I probably would have set a lower number. Yesterday, I reached my goal!

I'm kind of proud of myself. I read a lot this year. I will be setting a higher goal next year- probably 1000. Reading is so much fun! Now if only I was this competent at reaching other goals I set for myself...

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